
Jayden had already purchased the gaming pod earlier, with the money he made from selling the fine black bladed daggers he could summon with the help of his system. Which he would summon back after a few days, to sell them to another unlucky fellow.

He was actually grateful to the system for merging with him, because if it weren't for it, he would've died before he got to this stronghold two months ago. And if he didn't, he would've been in the F district which was like the slums here.

There was less than five minutes remaining for the launch, so Jayden excitedly jumped into the plain gray pod which had a stiff cushion, as he had bought the cheapest pod. And quickly tapped on it's power button by the side.

The pod was instantly permeated by a scentless gas, and Jayden felt his consciousness slowly slip away.

[Scanning brain analysis...]

[Synthesizing brain analysis...]

[Synchronization completed...]

[Do you have a username in mind, or you want a suggestion?]

Jayden felt himself floating in nothingness, as he couldn't see his body but only the pop-up notifications in his line of sight.

'I have nothing in mind'

Jayden willed out, as he had no mouth.

['Merc' have successfully been chosen to be your username.]

[Scanning for abilities...]

[Mech summoner detected...]

'Is that what my ability is called? Sounds cool but actually dumb'

Jayden thought to himself.

[There'll be no prologue about the world 'Hope', as it would be more fun to learn from your adventures.]

[Do you have any questions?]

'Yeah, is it possible for me get a class different from my ability?'

[No, the best class that suits your ability would be given to you.]

'Which is?'

Jayden asked curiously.

[Mercenary (marksman) - unique grade.]

[You are actually the first to awaken such unique ability, what server on earth are you playing from?]


Jayden replied awkwardly. He was unsure if the AI asking for his server was normal.

[Jayden Logan... Why are you hacking into your stronghold's system?]

'I-i'm not.... Why would I?'

Jayden asked in confusion.

[If you aren't, then why's your door keypad destroyed... To buy yourself more time?]

'I-i swear I'm not. If I was, then we wouldn't be having this conversation'

Jayden was starting to panic.

[That sounds credible, but I have nothing to do with your kind. Tell that to the authorities who had just broken down your door.]

'W-what do you mean by that? A-are you pranking me?'

Jayden asked in panic.

[Till we meet again, Mr. Jayden Logan...]


[Forced log out...]

Jayden's heartbeat were already taking leaps, as his view suddenly changed to that of his pod's lid being lifted from the outside, and multiple flashlights pointed to his face, which were all fixated to the rifles the EAGLE squad were pointing at him.

"I-i swear I'm innocent!!..."

Jayden screamed out in panic, but only got volts of electricity surging through his abdomen, in return.

He got dragged out of the pod like a ragdoll, and got bundled out and into a small floating minivan, which had the logo of a red eagle's head from side view.

He could no longer scream out his innocence as he was at the brink of consciousness, and could only watch himself get locked away before he passed out.



Jayden got startled awake by the freezing water which was splashed on his bare body, and looked up in confusion, to see a blonde haired lady standing before him with a poker face.

He was seated on a chair with his arms chained to the sides, and could feel the mass of something strapped to his head.

"Mr. Jayden Logan. Are you willing to confess to your crimes... Or you want it the hard way?"

The blonde haired lady asked, while waving a large remote control at him, when she mentioned 'the hard way'.

"W-what's that?"

Jayden asked in panic.

"I'm sorry I forgot to mention the part that, I'll be the one questioning!"

The blonde haired lady said menacingly.

"W-why am I here? I'm innocent, and you all know that!"

Jayden voiced out in annoyance. How would he, who was in the game world, actually hack into the stronghold system?

"Why was your keypad destroyed when the authorities traced the hacker to your house?"

The blonde haired lady asked calmly.

"I-i... How would I know that! The keypads are outside, whoever is behind all this probably..."

Jayden was saying.

"When the authorities forced log you out, the first you said was 'I swear I'm innocent', why?"

The blonde haired lady interrupted.

"What would be your first comment if you were gaming peacefully, and suddenly got gang on by..."

Jayden was saying.

"What was your aim for hacking the stronghold system?"

The blonde haired lady interrupted again.

"Could you let me finish! I'm saying no more till I see my attorney!"

Jayden voiced out in anger.

"Very well then, hard way it is..."

The blonde haired lady said and tapped a red button on the remote.

"Ahhh!!!.... !!!"

Jayden screamed out in pains, as volts of electricity got released from the unknown object on his head.

"With each question you answer incorrectly, I'll increase the charge"

The blonde haired lady said.

"I'm innoce... Ahhhh!!!"

Jayden was saying, when he got electrocuted again.

"Wrong answer! Tell me what I need to know"

The blonde haired lady said menacingly.

"Fuck y... Ahhhh!!!"

Jayden cussed out as he got electrocuted again.

  The routine went on for a while, with the volt increasing each time he said anything. The blonde haired demoness was just hellbent on making him confess to a crime he didn't commit, and he was about to do just that if that would stop her from zapping his head.

"Ahhh... W-wait!! I did it...."

Jayden quickly voiced out before he would get electrocuted by a higher volt.

"No you didn't..."

A masculine voice suddenly came from behind the blonde haired lady, as the steel door to the interrogation chamber which was behind the lady opened, and a black haired man walked in.

"What do you mean by that?"

The blonde haired lady asked with a frown.

"Her majesty just sent a record of her conversation with this young man here. He is innocent and is to be released with immediate effect"