First mission

"Thanks for the hospitality"

Emily said to Jayden with a warm, as they both stepped out his door.

"I should be the one thanking you for the food"

Jayden said as he walked alongside Emily in the less crowded, neat street, compared to E2 district.

Jayden learnt the name of the blonde haired lady was Emily, during his launch with her as they discussed random topics. He also got the reset pin to the door of his new apartment from her, and got promised a nice gift after he returns from accompanying her to C1 District gateway.

"So you aren't bothered by the looks?"

Jayden turned to glance at Emily.

"If I could be bothered by mere looks, then I might as well quit my job"

Emily replied with a chuckle, and inched closer to Jayden so as their arms were now rubbing against each other.

"We look like a cute couple right now, you know?"

Jayden commented, and glanced at Emily to see her facial reaction.

"Yeah, if only you looked a little bit more matured, we would've been perfect"

Emily replied with a smirk.

"Are you married?"

Jayden asked curiously, as it was a norm for young women to get married early, in this new civilization.

"How old do you think I am?"

Emily asked with an amused smile.

"Twenty two?"

Jayden asked after sizing her up.

"I'm twenty five, and yes, I was married"

Emily replied with a smile, and glanced at Jayden.

"Was? I'm sorry for your loss..."

Jayden condoled.

"What makes you say that?"

Emily chuckled in amusement and asked.

"He isn't dead?"

Jayden asked in realization.

"No, he's not. I'm divorced"

Emily replied.

"Is it okay to ask why?"

Jayden asked curiously.

"My job gives me no chance for a love life, as both our lives are in constant danger the moment we step out the red gate"

Emily replied.

"Ooh, that's credible."

Jayden muttered softly.

It was only a matter of time before he got recruited too for the excavation missions as he had just clocked eighteen, which was a martial law in all the governmental strongholds.

"We're here"

Emily said as they got to a large black gate, which had two guards who were in black uniforms at it's sides.

"See you later then"

Jayden said with a smile.

"Maybe, bye"

Emily replied with a wave, and slowly began walking towards the gates.

"Want a hug?!"

Jayden suddenly asked.

[Stop trying to act cool, you look like a popsicle.]

Jayden almost coughed up blood when he heard Mia's words, and was about to retaliate when Emily turned to look at him with a cute smile.

An approval!

Jayden quickly walked up to her and drew her into a tight hug, and was surprised when she hugged him back the same way. He made sure his chest was pressing against hers firmly, as he softly pecked her neck.

He withdrew with his hands still wrapped around her small waist, and stared into her clear blue eyes, as she stared into his with her arms still on his shoulders.

'Don't you think this lady deserves an acting award?'

Jayden thought to Mia in amusement.

[I don't think it's an act, she's actually falling for you.]

'That's impossible'

Jayden declined.

[Try kissing her.]

'W-what? I don't think I'm willing to know the outcome of that'

Jayden shuddered internally.


[First Mission: kiss Emily.]

Time limit: 10 seconds.

Reward: 20P

Failure: Glock19 pistol confiscated till further notice.


'Seriously?! You can't do this to me! Come on'

Jayden cried out to Mia, when he saw the mission notification.

[Time's almost up...]

Jayden bit down at his tongue and slowly inched his face closer to Emily's. But she surprisingly didn't react and kept staring at his eyes like she was lost, and just as there lips made the slightest contact, she shuddered and quickly withdrew from him like his masculine spell duration had ended.

"S-sorry, I have to go"

Emily stammered and quickly ran into the gates of C1 District.

[Mission failed!!]

'That's not fair, our lips made a slight contact!'

Jayden complained with a pained tone.

[You had just one simple mission! And you failed woefully! How do you expect to be a godly mercenary with such incompetence!]

Mia screamed out into Jayden's head which made his brain shook fiercely.

'Easy! I'm gonna have a brain shock!'

Jayden voiced out panic.

He looked towards the gates again, and surprisingly saw the two guards in black giving him thumbs up, and could only return the gesture with a chuckle, before heading back the way he came from.

When he got back to his to new apartment, he saw an exquisite gold gaming pod laying in his room. With a neat blue note which smelled like it was dipped in the most luxurious fragrance, on his bed.

His jaw instantly dropped, as he stared at the most costly pod 'Hope online' had. He subconsciously walked up to his bed and picked up the blue note which now made his room smell like a paradise.


Kindly accept my token of apology.



Those were the only words written on the blue note, with a signature on the other side.

"Like hell I wouldn't..."

Jayden muttered to himself, as he knelt before the pod and caressed it affectionately.

[Why are you being overdramatic?]

"Shuush... I'm bonding with it"

Jayden shushed Mia, and said.

[How dare you shush me over of a piece of metal?!]

/Knock! Knock! Knock!/

Jayden ignored Mia's temper and hopped happily to the door. But when he opened the door, his mood instantly dropped at seeing the visitor.


Stephanie waved with a stiff smile.

"How did you find me here?"

Jayden asked with a frown.

"My mom went to see you this morning but got informed that you were arrested by the EAGLE squad last night... And I was just coming back from the 'teen club', when I saw you enter this apartment"

Stephanie replied.

"As you can see... I'm not in jail, and this is my legal apartment now, so I'd really appreciate it if you don't come again"

Jayden said and was about to shut the door...


[Mission: Bond with Stephanie.]

Time limit: 15 minutes.

Reward: Slingshot .22 pistol

Punishment: Throwing knives confiscated till further notice.
