Rogue System

"W-who are you?... What do you want from me?"

Cassae asked the hooded man who was casually walking on the surface of the lake!

"Like I said, I mean no harm, and just want you to pledge your loyalty to me!"

The hooded man said solemnly.

"And like I said, No! So what do you still want from me?"

Cassae said with a stern tone.

"Avariels are just too proud for their own good. You aren't the first I've encountered, and won't be the last to die by my hands"

The man chuckled mischievously.

"How did you hack my system?"

Cassae asked sternly.

She wasn't scared of dying as she would only lose a level, and even be freed from the boulder pinning her wings down. Her only fear was her hacked system, as it was what gave her her abilities.

/Bang! Bang! Bang!/

Three gunshots suddenly echoed from the building on the minotaur island, which was probably the doing of the human boy who had gone in and powered the building. Then everywhere fell silent again.

"Sniffs... Hmm, I can smell another system holder in the building"

The hooded man sniffed like a hound, and muttered with a sadistic grin.

"To answer your question. I can hack into any unguarded system with ease, that's how we will rule this wretched world! We, the systems and their puppets!"

The hooded man said vigorously.

"There's no 'We' asshole, cause you won't live long to tell your crappy story!"

Cassae voiced out in disdain.

"You're too rude for my liking. Let's teach you some manners"

The hooded man said with a mischievous grin.

Cassae suddenly felt herself wrapped tight in chilly ice, and felt her free wing get lifted out of the lake against her own will.

"Fancy wing you have there!"

The hooded man commented on Cassae's white wing, which had dark pink and purple stripes all over, as his right arm transformed into a long double edged black ice blade.

"W-what are you doing?!"

Cassae's voiced out in panic.

"This is just teaching you manners, don't see it as anything"

The hooded man said mischievously, and raised his bladed arm above his head.



"Testing the mic, one two... Testing the mic..."

[Could you stop doing that!!]

"What? Isn't that what you guys normally say first when testing your walky-talky?"

Jayden asked through the walky-talky hooked to the shoulder of the tactical gear he was now adorned in.

He now looked like a full fledged military combatant with his Glock19 pistol hooked to his multi-purpose belt, and was looking through the scope of his Galaxion Gunner in form of a sniper rifle.

[Just shoot the guy already! He's the rogue system!!]

"This is Alpha Merc speaking, i repeat, this is Alpha Merc speaking. Target is in sight, but he has a hostage with him as well, over"

Jayden said as he held onto the button on his walky-talky.


"Roger that! Target will be eliminated in five... Four... Three... Two... One"


Jayden pulled the trigger as he paused breathing.

The hooded man who was already descending his bladed arm at Cassae's wing instantly got his head knocked away, with a red 'Critical' tag above his head.

[You have killed TopDog!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[Verified Mission successful!]


"Huh? I thought you said they were overpowered?"

Jayden asked in surprise.

[Their ability is usually overpowered, but their host's level and health remains the same. Besides that, you used a DIVINE WEAPON!!]

"Okay okay, I get it. I guess I'm the strongest player right now"

Jayden said with a smirk, as he jumped over the window he had positioned his Galaxion Gunner.

[There are many other god's out there, also giving out contracts and Divine Weapon to those who passed their test.]

"Huh? So I wasn't given this... For being the first follower?"

Jayden asked in surprise.

[No, the other followers would get one as well.]

"That's not fair!"

Jayden complained in distaste, as he walked up to Cassae who was staring up at him in surprise.

"You made it look so easy"

Cassae commented with a smile.

"Well, it's my hard work paying off... Why are you still in the water?"

[Shameless prick!]

"Can I trust you?"

Cassae asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Are you really asking that? I just saved your life"

Jayden said in amusement.

"Because your system probably offered the mission. I know you're a system holder"

Cassae said unconvinced.

"...You're right, I'll be inside then"

Jayden said and began walking away.

"W-wait... I need... Your... H-help"

Cassae forced out of her throat in low tone.

"Wow! That must have been hard for you to say... No"

Jayden said and kept walking.

"W-wait, please!"

Cassae called out unwillingly.

"What would I get in return?"

Jayden paused and asked.

[That's my boy!]

"W-what? What would you want in return?"

Cassae asked in surprise.

"What can you give in return?"

Jayden asked back.

"All the information you wanted to know about what's going"

Cassae replied quickly.

"Not interested in that anymore"

Jayden scoffed and said.

"Are you sure about that?"

Cassae asked in surprise, but jayden ignored her and walked into the mall.

"Wait!! Please!!"


[You know what he wants! It's either you accept it, or brace yourself for what's to come tonight!]

"Are you sure about that?"

Cassae asked the black haired human boy, ignoring Lethri's words.

But the human boy ignored her question and walked back into the only building on the minotaur island.

"Wait!! Please!!"

Cassae called out in panic.

"You're wasting my time! I have something doing down here!"

The human boy echoed from inside the building.

"What do you want?! I promise... Ahhh!... I promise to do it!"

Cassae forcefully voiced out helplessly.

"A kiss?!!"

The human boy echoed from the building.

[Told you!]

'Father forgive me'

"Y-y... Y-yeah"

Cassae stammered unwillingly.

"No you don't understand, I mean a KISS! Not a lip peck!!"

The human boy echoed again.

[I'm starting to like this guy.]

'Shut up!'

[It's not like it's your first kiss anyways, go for it!]

'Shut! up!!'

"T-that's not a problem!!"

Cassae voiced out with a leaping heartbeat, and bit down at her tongue.


Jayden grinned widely at hearing Cassae's reply, and walked out of the mall with a naughty smirk. He walked up to the shore of the lake, and stared down at Cassae who was sweating profusely.

"Payment before service, you okay with that?"

Jayden asked with a straight face, and Cassae replied with indiscernible nod.

Jayden stepped into the lake, and swam over to Cassae who wasn't far from the shore. Then grabbed her small waist in the water, and as Cassae was about to protest, he raised a brow at her, which made her painfully gulp down her words.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Jayden asked with a sincere tone, while laughing maniacally in his head.

"J-just do your thing and free me"

Cassae said through gritted teeth.

"Our, it's our thing. If you don't indulge, then it won't count. Are we cool?"

Jayden asked with a slight smile.

"Inhales... Exhales... W-whatever"

Cassae inhaled deeply and exhaled nervously.

"Good... Here goes nothing"