Sudden Encounter

Exiting the workshop after retrieving his now functional cane, he tested it by pressing the top button, causing a fixed blade to extend from the bottom of the cane.

"It works unexpectedly well," he thought, retracting the blade by pressing the button again.

Consulting his pocket watch, he noted the time: 11:21. Selena had arranged a meeting for 11:45 in a nearby small park, so he strolled toward it.

Taking extra precautions, he scanned his surroundings, checking behind and around him to ensure he wasn't being followed. Satisfied that he was alone, he entered the park and settled on a bench.

As he lit a cigarette, he watched the smoke dissipate in the brisk October air. His posture was angled on the bench, his back pressing against the top, legs and back straightened.

Impatient after a minute, he checked the time again, muttering, "Not yet, come on…"