

In the morning... She seduces me again with her underwear while sleeping below my blanket and on my body.

She touched my drowsy face with her finger and smiled at me.


I am surprised she did it again. I open up the blanket and... She didn't chain her legs for this time.

I cover my face with my hand. "So, what's the matter now?" Asked me curious.

"I just want to wake you up for break but your sleep face is cute." Said her while sitting up.


"Huh? Why are you staring at me like that?" Asked me curious why she gazed at me for each second.

"Ah! No! It's just... I don't know that you have those cute pajamas." Said her fluttered.

Huh? That claim makes me feel more confused.

"Huh? Didn't you see it while lock-picking that door?" Asked me confused.

She shaking her head... But this is the... The second time, If it's about the person who said it. And yes, My sister already said it to me endlessly if she get to lock-picking my room door.

I stood up and walked to my desk.

"Ah! Let's bath together!" Said her getting excited.

"Huh? Why should I? I already know your obsession." Said me without any hesitation.


(I will die from hunger...)

Ugh... That stabs my heart...

"Sigh* serve you right." Said me agreeing with her.

She suddenly smiled brightly and quickly left the room to take her clothes.

While in the hot spring...

She exhales from a deep breath. "This is relaxing... And more with my beloved Nina."

"Who exactly is this person you said your beloved?" Said me gazing at her hesitating about it.

"It's you!" Said her while looking at me so lovely.

"So, can't you tell me why you can't say it?" Asked me wondering why she didn't beg for my help.

"We can't..." Said her while looking down.

"Yo!" Said Nexus as always from behind.

"Ah! Nexus!! You said that this is my week!!" Said Tiara getting a bit angry.

"I said it but it's not like we can't do our daily activity." Said her while getting inside the bath.

"Hey Nexus, is there anything on this island that makes you feel happy or excited?" Asked me to Nexus for a reference of killing time.

"Oh! I will ask you for a date~" Said Tiara getting excited about it.

"With your balance now? I will suggest that you should not do it. We can't accept someone's offer." Said Nexus with a serious face.

"Oh? Is it occupied?" Asked Eluthya from behind.

I look behind and wonder about Yulia. "It's rare to not see that little girl."

"Talk about me?" Asked Yulia behind Eluthya waving at me.

"Sigh* you guys..." Said Tiara getting annoyed.

"Don't mind us~" Said Yulia.

They getting into the hot spring together.

"So, how are you feeling right now Nina?" Said her while staring at me.

"What feeling?" Said me playing with her words.

"Look around you... You are rounded by a beautiful girl..." Said her while looking at all of the girls around me.

"So? I am not man... Besides, our relationship is like a friend with benefits." Said me trying to at least relax my body and closed my eyes to feeling it.

"That's not wrong but... If you think it like that, we will be in problem." Said Nexus while looking at me.

I open my eyes and look at her. "So? Are you looking for a bar that states my love to you?" Asked me joking around.

"Exactly." Said Eluthya.

Huh? She is joking, right?

"Huh? What?"

"We see it darling~ for example, your love for me is in 2%, Eluthya 1%, Yulia -12%, Nexus -8%, and others..." Said her looking at somewhere... Or maybe, she was looking at anything they only could look at.

"What's with that!!? Is that some kind of "status system"?" Asked me was shocked about that fact.

"It's quite the same but just state your love bar." Said Eluthya.

"It's a shame that my love percentage is the lowest than others... That's why I should search for allowance from part-time but... They already declined it." Said her with an ignorant face.

"So, what's about the schedule of action?" Asked me curious about what Tiara said before.

"We decided to spy on you first but, we didn't get much information because you are usually in your room. We prohibited lock-picking so we can't do anything about it. But, as the class started, we had full control and were immune to all of the rules in this school. That's why, you could see Nexus the way she is right now." Said Yulia explaining the whole thing.

"Thank you for explaining anything to me." Said me considering it.

"Thanks for your love point increased." Said her while smiling at me with her gentle smile.

"Nina dummy..." Said Tiara sulking.

At least I get an explanation so that's okay to us. "So, can you tell me all of it?" Said me getting carried away a bit.

"Sorry, one day one question." Said Yulia.

I look at others and they just nod at me.

"Sigh* Then, could you bring me somewhere Tiara?" Asked me after standing up from the hot spring.

This is not like I want to take a date. It's just... I don't want to them suffer because of this stupid rule and obligation.

"You are kind Nina... Really~" Said Tiara while standing up too.

Other girls keep silent. We are leaving and they are still silent. After bathing, we set up our clothes. Red dress with white stripes, tied hair, and high heels... high heels?

I stared at it and kicked it out. Why are there high heels in my room!!? I didn't remember I bought it!

"You didn't like it?" Ask Tiara from behind the door.

Huh? Is she peeping on me?!!!

I opened the door strongly and said. "Were you peeping on me?!"

"I am tired of waiting for you to get change... You took so long like a girl." Said her sulking at me.

"I am a girl!!" Said me getting a bit annoyed at her.

As a result, our first place to visit is a mall. I don't know why all of my footholds turned out to be high heels.

"Look at this Nina!" Said Tiara smiling brightly while showing me the cute and thin underwear.

"No thank you, I just need that." Said me while pointing my finger to the shoe store.

We walk to that store and buy some of them. My balance... It will turn out to be debt if I spend it too much. But, my father is rich, is that problem? But, if we lose our richness, our mom will start work. That's no problem for us. I can cook and my sister is cleverer than me. I can always find a job with this ability to make some money and pay the debt.

"At the second, I think I can survive If I am in debt." Said me to convince myself.


Tiara seems shocked while looking at the shoes.

"Just how much is your money Nina?" Asked Tiara curiously looking at me.

"Rich enough until we are dead, our money will remain some." Said me.

"Maybe, I should see that wicked witch." Said me to Tiara and start leaving.

She grabbed my hand and said to me with a sad-looking face. "Huh? How about the date?"

Uh... "Okay, let's do it until afternoon." Said to me that this thing can be talked about whenever I want.

"Then!" Said her getting excited.

The first plan, we go to the cinema. There is some movie that she wants to watch together someday with her beloved.

From this date, I learned about Tiara's past. She has many brothers and sisters. She is the daughter of a local prostitute and trying hard to take responsibility for her siblings. Even if she knew that her siblings are not from the same father... She still takes care of them using the allowance her mother gives.

Her dream is to see a bright sky with her siblings in the small house for them. One day, this school's professional team recruited her because knowing her capability who caught up by cheating at a dozen universities. She registers herself as a capable tutor from a well-known institution. Of course, her registration is not fake because she stole someone's identity at this instantion and took the exam seriously. And yeah, she passed with a perfect score even without someone's help. She simply uses her mother's phone to search for learning material on the internet.

She got caught because she used the internet. But, The team for this school asked her instead to join and promised her to gain some money for their life same as Alice promised me.


"Hey Nina, this should be our funny and happy date... Not the sad one." Said her with a calm and caring expression.

I can't... This is too emotional for me...

Look at me, trying to cheat on all of the exams... And yet she is trying her best for her siblings...

Sob* I am ashamed of myself.

"But... Thank you for your concern." Said her smiling at me.

Her smile... That's not making me scared again... It makes me feel terribly sad and sympathize.

I think... I can tell Alice what I thought on Monday when at class starts.