Linda The Noble (2)

"Um... Can I take a bath at least?" I asked, feeling weird about not cleaning myself while wearing these pajamas.

I keep talking about it, but it seems like no one cares... Huh...

"Don't worry, Nina. Love doesn't come from smell... Well, maybe sometimes, but not for us," Alice reassured me as she walked ahead, leading the way.

I still wasn't used to her serious tone of voice. It somehow made me feel intimidated... Or maybe I'm just a coward. It's not that I hate it... It's just that sometimes it bothers me.

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the field where the inscription "Yur L' Ebian High School" was carved into the ground. It was well-maintained, and there was a gardener cutting the grass.

He glanced at us and left the area.

Without any warning, Alice threw herself onto the grass. It wasn't very tall, about 30 cm I think? Anyway, it wasn't too tall.

"Follow me, students~" she said, changing the way she spoke, becoming calm and relaxed.

"That's gross," Yulia said, feeling disgusted by Alice's actions.

It was the first time I had seen her look disgusted at someone.

"I agree with her, we shouldn't do that," Linda said, still holding my hand.

"Can you feel it? This grass is so relaxing and makes me feel sleepy," Alice said, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.

(I wonder what we're going to do now) - Nexus

(I don't want to do it) - Linda

(What a waste of time) - Yulia

(If Nina...) - Tiara

Come on, brain!! I want to see those dots!!

Sigh Never mind...

(Let's see) - Radiant

(Nina, why don't you try it?) - Tohru

"Sorry, but I don't want to make my body any dirtier than it already is," I said, remembering that I hadn't taken a bath. It's weird for a normal girl like me to forgo bathing.

They suddenly looked at me. Huh? Even without saying anything, it felt like they were asking me telepathically to go first.

Alice started waving her hand up and down, as if making a snow angel. She closed her eyes, seeming to really enjoy it.

This pajama is special. I made it with my own efforts, but not literally with blood and sweat... Sigh Fine.

I walked over to Alice and laid down on the grass. It felt... itchy.

"You really have less sensitive skin, Mrs...," I said, glaring at Alice.

"Hmm? Oh, is it itchy?" she asked gently.

She looked at me and held my hand. "Feel it," she said.

Her calm and gentle demeanor didn't make me afraid. I hoped she would be like this every day.


That was the school bell for the first break. I looked at Lordeca... Huh?! They were leaving!!

"Don't you feel hurt seeing them?" I asked, sitting up and watching them leave.

She stopped and looked up at the sky. "I don't feel anything... My emotions turned into ash a long time ago," she said, her face filled with sadness.

"I don't really understand your character."

She seemed to have multiple facets to her personality. I don't know if it's an alter ego or something, but it's both weird and rare to see someone like her.

The wind... it feels so relaxing. Her hair flows on the grass like leaves in the wind. Beautiful, calm, and gentle... Those are the traits that anyone would notice just by looking at her face.

"You don't need to understand... Because you would never understand me," she said, getting serious but still looking sad.

I stood up. "I could understand, but I don't want to," I said, looking at her.

Our eyes met. She could feel my seriousness through my sharp gaze, and I could feel her melancholy through her eyes.

"You have every right to hate me," she said.

Sigh What's with this woman? Don't get carried away, Nina. She's always been like this. Changing the way she speaks, sometimes intimidating, sometimes calm and gentle, and other times well-behaved and dignified.

It's just... weird. Or maybe, I'm the weird one who can't understand her and the other Lordeca members.

I left her with a strange feeling in my heart, but before going too far, I looked back.

"What was the lesson anyway?" I asked, wondering about it.

"You'll find out after break time is over," she said, still lying on the grass.

Sigh Maybe I should take this time to wash up and put these pajamas in the laundry.


After finishing my morning routine and putting my dirty clothes together with these pajamas, I returned to the field. They were waiting for me.

"You really need to fix that habit, Nina," Nexus said, sounding annoyed.

"S-Sorry about that," I said, feeling guilty. I couldn't even argue back against her words.

We were ready for the next lesson... But our beloved teachers were falling asleep now.

Yuna walked over to Alice and woke her up by poking her with her foot. Wasn't that a bit rude? I looked at Linda, and she seemed disgusted by it judging from her expression.


Alice woke up and immediately started the lesson.

"So, let's do some movement," she said, looking at us.

She raised her index and pinkie fingers, while the other fingers were locked down by her thumb. She showed it to us and asked, "What do you know about this?"

The obvious answer was a metal sign, but for some reason, we were hesitant to answer.

"Bull?" Tohru suggested.

"U sign?" Yuna chimed in.

"It's number two," Linda said.

"No, it's a metal sign," Alice said, confused as to why we were overthinking it.

Her answer just made us more irritated. It was like, huh?

"Just tell us the point already!" Radiant exclaimed, becoming annoyed as her cheek slightly raised.

"The point? There's nothing to it. You're just overthinking it," Alice said, turning away.

"I see..." Nexus and Yulia said at the same time.

They seemed to understand the meaning, unlike Radiant and me... Hopefully, I'm not too stupid to comprehend.

"So, let's hear the answer from our normal, everyday girl," Yulia said, glancing at me with a mocking expression.

You're the worst, Yulia.

"You should stop that, or you'll fall out of balance," Nexus warned her.

"You shouldn't say it like that, Nexus," Tohru added.

After a minute, I gathered my answer.

"Is it the Mandela effect?" I asked.

"Correct. It should be that, but the reality is different. That's where our minds become confused by our dreams and reality," Alice explained as she walked around.

"But, there is a way to create that effect: substitution. Make something similar to the real thing, and you'll be confused between the fake and the real. If you've ever seen ads with sentences like 'Good water is Goody,' that's the kind of promotion that can alter the majority's perception and change the meaning of a brand like 'Goody.' In some cases, modern mineral water changed its name to Goody because of that promotion," she continued, changing her way of speaking.

Goody, it's a brand from a long time ago. It last appeared when I was eight years old. It had a significant impact and changed the meaning of the brand itself. In some instances, modern mineral water changed its name to Goody because of that promotion.

"That's it, that's how we can trick our minds. Don't do it frequently, but do it with joy. And someday, your work will become your joy. Don't ever read your lessons without any joy, but read them alongside your hobbies. That's the trick. Reading lessons becomes just like a hobby," Alice said, smiling gently at us.

The lesson is still ongoing. So far, nothing has happened between us. Alice is just teaching us about the Mandela Effect and how to explore it ourselves. To be honest, I find it quite an interesting topic.

I never knew this effect could actually influence our brain to become more productive and agile. However, as the lesson continues, I find myself getting scared again. There's this fear that one day, I won't be my normal self anymore. Instead, I'll be like Lordeca—genius, but in a strange way.

I'm not like those people. I'm too accustomed to a normal environment. Maybe I've absorbed too many thoughts from normal people, which is why I feel this way. I used to think that this side of me should remain no matter the cost, but now, I don't really like it. I don't know why... Perhaps it's because of their influence? Or maybe it's just me not behaving as I should...

Now, Linda and I are aimlessly walking around this island.

"Umm... can I ask you something?" I inquire as we walk.

"You're right, this is my week. But I'm not quite sure how to handle it," she responds gently, with dignity.

"Are you used to being a diplomat?" I ask, curious about her past. I hope it's not like Tiara, who gave me goosebumps but turned out alright in the end.

"Kind of," she replies. Her face begins to grow gloomy and sad.

Oh, here we go again, girl.