The Queen Reason

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Nina... What an absurd human she is. She can divide people as she pleases. Nothing important about it, It just... She shall acknowledge people's materialism and individualism. They are working with each other frequently. Materialism as fuel and individualism as outcome.

Nina is the person who I hate the most here. She is not like others, she is just... clumsy and doesn't want to get involved with others. And just like now, she thinks that all about this it's just a mere game.

Disorganized, clumsy, improper, dense, and cheater. She is approximately equal to a cat. Just doing things as it pleases. When it happens in a dangerous environment, she will raise her claws. When it happens in a normal situation, she can be as cute as she wants. She should known better the burden we had. Why didn't she want to be involved with us? Did she not think about our condition? Even yesterday, my beloved friend, Radiant should eat less than she should be. In the end, I could only divide people by two. Is it beneficial or not beneficial for me? The answer is held inside everybody's individualism.


The next day...

I wake up and Linda still waiting for me. But now, she laid her head on my bed while sleeping. Her snoring voice is kinda cute.

I look at my hand. Is it okay to pat her...? Nah, she would not like it. She's still in that lingerie from before. Is she that desperate? Or maybe it's just me that ignorance? Whatever the answer, you should not stealth into other people's rooms freely.

She wakes up. Her red eyes, burn like she should be but calm as she looks at me. I am trying to smile at her. She smiles back at me. That smile was even better with sunlight came through my window behind me.

"It would be bad for your health to stay here bareclothes." Said me worried about her.

She looks down a bit. "It's already late morning." 

Hmm? Late morning? I get up and open the window. The sun is already on the top of the Right building. So, this is why I never wake up with sunlight in my eyes.

"Why are you rushing like that? It's not like you are a morning person right?" Said her while in a drowsy state. She seems still hard to open her eyes.

I look at her. "Next time, you can wear one of my pajamas inside my desk." Said me.

She nods at me while still hard to open her eyes. It makes me remember my sister. That time, when I got my brain overloaded because of the bullied girl. I know it was just an accident back then. But, that accident took my whole sanity to accept it. Thanks to her, I am forced to create 'Overwrite'.

Wait... If she is still that sleepy... Is it my chance? I move my hand behind her arm and carry her. She is not rebelling. In fact, she still wants to get back to her sleep. Wait a second... Purple hair, red eyes, and... Her height is about 167cm, one centi shorter than mine. 

I look at her while thinking about the clothes that are suitable for her. Should I create a crab costume? Nah, she will hurt my teeth with a razor blade. And I am not an immortal vampire. Think about it again Nina, what character she could be...?

"Could you bring me down now?" Asked her.

"Ah! Sorry..." Said me while bringing her down.

After bringing her down, she asked me. "Why could you lift me?"

"Huh? That's normal right?" Asked me wondering why she asked that question.

"It's not normal for us with similar heights to able to lift each other." Said her with a sigh.

I raised my arms. "Then let's prove it." Said me while looking at her.

She's surprised and feels embarrassed. "W-What...? You should not do that, my dear friend... That's improper for us." Said her while looking away.

"Improper? While you are showing that lingerie in front of me?" Said me teasing her a bit.

"That's... Nothing to do about this. Love is about lust and the correct way..."

She's like puff* and her face suddenly becomes red.

"Heh... Love is about lust? So, you agree with that Indencency." Said me mentioned Tiara.

"L-Let's talk about it later." Said her giving up debate with me...

"Is it improper to do this?" Asked Linda wondering why she should wear this pajama at this noon.

"We should change the phase!" Said me excited about this walk around.

(What with those? So cute.)

(Woah... This is rare for geniuses to be like this.)

(They are already that friendly. I hope I can make a friend like them too.)

(Ugh... Why should they wear that costume in broad daylight?) -Youna

Huh? Youna? I look at her near the big stairs to Student Dorms. That's rare for people running at this hour...

"This is like Pajama Party." Said me while looking at her with crab pajamas.

"This is humiliating..." Said her feeling down.

"You mentioned about correct way right? This is the easiest way to gain my love. I just show it to you and I hope the others will understand." Said me while smiling gently at her.

Don't know why, she seems surprised. "I think I shall apologize to you." Said her remembering her thoughts about me.

"Huh? Apologize for what?" Asked me curious.

"Nevermind. I would gladly tell them." Said her smiling at her.

She often smiles today. That's rare... She always with that emotionless face whenever we face each other.

"Ah... Maybe you didn't need to do it." Said me while pointing my finger to Nexus near our greenhouse.

Reflex, she looks to where I pointed out. While we are looking at Nexus, she waving at us. I answer it by waving my hand too.

"She still persistent about it huh? Such an ambitious girl." Said Linda.

Surprisingly, this garden is wider than I thought. It is wide almost like the main building...

"Is there something we can do?" Asked me getting bored.

"This Saturday, there will be a theater near the Laundry House. How about that?" Asked Linda.

"Anything for you, ma'am." Said me trying to tease her.

She looks away. "I am not that old." Said her. She seems to get bored with that word.

Nothing is happening. It's just as before. Talking... Nah, we didn't talk that much.

"You mentioned it right? Then, how about we do something you like?" Said Linda.

I am surprised to think that she would agree with that absurd idea. Then, without any hesitation, I will accept her challenge. That's what I thought.

"I think I should buy a Sewing Machine." Said me remembering that I had left my beloved Sewing Machine in my house.

"That's a bad news." Said her smiling at the same time.

"You should not suggest that if you didn't want to do it." Said me wondering why she suggested that.

"N-Nevermind..." Said her getting a bit embarrassed.

Huh? Ah! Is that supposed to be a joke?! If I knew it, I would like to respond to it with an excited tone than a worried tone.

"S-Sorry for not understanding that." It made me feel a bit guilty.

"That's my impudence to think that you would understand. I am the one who should apologize to you." Said her while looking down.

"That's not a problem... You should not apologize to me." It made me feel uncomfortable.

This is why we should not make a joke to a person who is forced to like someone.

"Hey... Could I ask you something?" Asked her still looking down.

"Yeah, yeah... You can." Said me got worried about her... Wait, it's just a bait?

"Then... I will fully accept your kindness." Said her while smiling meanly to me.

Did I fall into a worried trap? You treat my worries as trash... How meanie you are.

I look away. "Sure... Let me see your question." Said me.

"Shall we start from the bottom? Could you tell me why you created the thing inside your brain?" Asked her coming back with her emotionless face.

The thing inside my brain? So, she could definite it with that huh? I thought that I had covered it perfectly but not. Or... Should I play dumb? Maybe, this is the first time I would lie to other people. I always lead the question to another question or answer it vaguely so they still can understand and not at the same time. Should I lie?

"Y-You know-"

"Lying is not in your trait so no need to force yourself." Said her with her emotionless face.


"You shall not bait me."

"Huh? I am not...

"My dear friend, your innocence is a bit annoying to me. You should not answer it if you are unable to answer it. Privacy is not what I want to interfere with." Said her.

"See? This is what I feel when I ask you." Said me. Those whole words are bait to defend myself. As I know, you are not the person who would swallow your own saliva.

"Politicians should be the ones who lead and smarter than the people they lead. Whatever it takes, they will do anything for society. That's why... For them, I shall ask you that question even if I must swallow my own saliva." Said her getting serious.

Character breaks like before... Sorry, my individualism is still strong. Let's do what Yulia did. I hit the table with my hands, and leave the area.