In the heart of Mordan City, Valarian's nocturnal existence collided with the pulsating rhythm of urban life. The dichotomy between the eternal night within him and the ceaseless city lights became a metaphorical dance of shadows and luminescence.
Valarian, with his ethereal beauty and antiquated charm, attracted attention, but in a world oblivious to the supernatural, his allure went largely unnoticed. He embraced this anonymity, choosing the cover of a mysterious philanthropist. Unbeknownst to the city, its nocturnal guardian walked among them.
As Valarian explored the city's underbelly, he discovered a clandestine society of supernatural beings who had adapted to the times. Vampires maneuvered in boardrooms instead of dungeons, and werewolves led double lives as high-powered executives. This twist added layers to the narrative, showcasing the evolution of mythical creatures in the Mordan Era.