Ch.12: 3rd Disciple and Normal Quest?

Ch.12: 3rd Disciple and Normal Quest?


Just as I was about to refuse.


Yes, refuse. I mean why would I agree? I have cultivation techniques. Even vast number of resources from my family to throw around and use as much as I like.


Even if she is incredibly beautiful or the most beautiful woman I ever saw, so what, it will not help me clear out Missions of The Multiverse Chat group.


So, when I opened my mouth to reply.


I noticed something unusual pop out in my vision.


Quest objective: Become Bibi Dong's Disciple


Reward: Unlock World Quests, Increased Favorability with Bibi Dong and Spirit Hall, first quest bonus: ???


Penalty: Not being able to get do any Quest till 6 years, Decreased favorability with Bibi Dong and Spirit Hall


'Now, what is this?'


They did saw that there will be quests issued by the Chat-group.


Lately it was so quiet I almost forgot that I even have a chat group system.


'Hmm, both the reward and penalty shouts attention.'


I thought seeing the quest panel.


There is a reward of World Quest and Penalty of not being able to do any quests… even the elite and main quests.


With those thoughts in mind, looked above only to see Bibi Dong with her rose pink hair fell behind her back and her pretty face as flawless as jade.


Time seemed to have left no marks on her body. Her beauty was as irresistible, like an immortal flower, full of deadly temptations. 


After our eyes meet, I stopped my tongue in its track and said, "Disciple greets the Master."


While bowing with my hands cupped at front.


At that a small but bright smile formed on her face, clearly indicating that she liked it.


She stood up from her throne with graceful steps and walked towards me. The air around her seemed to ripple with a tangible aura of power and authority.


As she drew nearer, she reached out her hand and softly stroked my head.


This movement of her surprised me quite a bit, but I quickly calmed down sensing no hostility.


'Damn this Heavenly Demon Template! It has made me somewhat of a Batman!'


As she stroked my head with her soft hands, a sweet and musky scent along with aroma of flowery perfume entered my nose, it was like scent of a perfume mixed with her natural scent.


I can't help but notice these details as my natural senses were quite sharp.


Bibi Dong's red lips parted in a soft smile, and her voice was like tinkling of bells.


Her slender fingers lingered on my head as she spoke in gentle tone, "Starting today you will be my Third disciple. Your big sister is second one and other one will be your new older sister named Hu Liena, I believe you will get along well."


She paused for a moment before continuing, "From now on, you will live in the Supreme pontiff palace, let me show you where you will be staying Fu Yue and Hu Liena also lives there."


Bibi Dong turned around with, her rose-pink hair swaying elegantly, she took my hand as she started walking forward.


The warmth emanating from her hand made me feel at ease.


'Maybe, just maybe. It's not so bad to have a beautiful and hot female teacher.'



Thinking that, I shook my head. Enjoying the joyful silence setting aside the quest completion notification to view later.



While walking along the palace with Bibi Dong many Bishops and deacon's present took notice of Fu Xuan.


Seeing some unknown kid being able to hold hands with the Supreme Pontiff; they naturally know what this means.


The Supreme Pontiff has accepted a new disciple!


Although it was not announced by Bibi Dong herself, but news started to spread like a wildfire.


By the end of last day probably the whole city will know of this.


After all being a direct disciple of the Supreme Pontiff of the Spirit Hall is not a small matter.


Even if Fu Xuan is the 3rd disciple of her, he is still the first male disciple of Bibi Dong.


If he is talented enough, it is possible for him to even become the Holy Son of Spirit Hall.


This much is not a small matter. After this incident whenever Fu Xuan makes his first appearance, he will attract much unwanted attention.


Some will want to get close to Bibi Dong's disciple, some the future possible Holy Son. Many will even get close to him knowing he is the future leader of Fu Merchant alliance.


Sigh, humans are so troublesome.


As they walked away, Fu Xuan couldn't help but notice the extravagance of the palace.


The palace itself is a masterpiece of architecture, deserving of it's reputation as the residence of the Supreme Pontiff.


Each building has its own unique characteristics, with every details seemingly crafted by the most skilled of artisans.


Seeing this extravagance of the palace made him like it's outrageously lavish!


Fu Xuan is also from a very rich family, probably one of the richest merchant family. So, he has seen his own share of extravagance and riches.


But the Spirit Hall is really the richest it seems now to him.


A little beyond the Supreme Pontiff Palace was another palace where, according to Bibi Dong, the bishops and knights working in the palace stayed, just like Fu Yue had told him previously.


Elder on the other hand had their own respective lodging, which was a symbol of their status.


Continuing on, not far away was a clear lake with shimmering water and faint green waves.


Its surface was filled with beautiful pink lotus flowers which made the air fragrant.


It was hard to think that there was even a lake inside the Supreme Pontiff Palace.


In the center of the lake there was a small island with had several small pavilions, not very big, but exquisite nonetheless, giving it an atmosphere of a water town.


"The lake and island were specially constructed by me. What do you think?" Bibi Dong asked softly.


"It's really breathtaking, Teacher." Fu Xuan answered looking at her.


"This is where I live, of course you will too, starting from today." She said with a smile.


As they get near the shore, there was a small boat on the surface, equally exquisite.


As Fu Xuan thought that they will go there by boat, Bibi Dong carrying Fu Xuan lightly stepped in air and flew over directly, with Ghost Douluo following behind closely.


Flying was not a new experience for Fu Xuan, as he was one of the few shinobis of elemental nations to have the ability to fly naturally (Tenseigan chakra sage mode).


Just in some time we reached at the islands shore and Bibi Dong let go of him.


The island itself was filled with various plants and flowers, like a well-maintained garden.


As the door opened, their stood four maidservants about fifteen to sixteen years old, ready of follow orders.


Bibi Dong softly called out, "Leina!" and a girl about 9-10 years old came running out.


"Teacher!" He Leina exclaimed throwing her arms around her teacher in a quick embrace before turning to face Fu Xuan.


When she looked at him, she quickly noticed the striking red hair and same-colored eyes with a silvery-purple flower like pattern in them.


Looking at his face she remembered her master's other disciple, Fu Yue.


"Teacher, this is?"


"Mhm, this is my third disciple and your new younger brother, Fu Xuan."


"Fu Xuan, this is your new big sister, Hu Liena, I hope the two of you will get along well." Bibi Dong Continued introducing them formally.


Hu Liena extended her slender hands with a sly smile as she said, "If Teacher wants it, then I guess we have no choice but to get along, don't you think so, younger brother?."


" Mhm, I'll be in your accomplice then, big sister." Fu Xuan replied with a smirk, extending his hand to shake hers.


Hu Leina had short haircut framed her delicate features perfectly, and her small face excluded a sense of confidence and allure.


Her slender eyes were filled with seductive charm, her every movement captivating.


After meeting this new sister of his he got to know how much a person's martial spirit has effect on them.



It's been two days since the tsunami of Spiritual energy of that day. Now I can access my Spiritual Sea. And I am pleased to see the progress.


That day due to the sudden wave storm of spiritual energy engulfing my spiritual sea. I was unable to properly control any of my spiritual energy, and even got the firsthand experience of having your mind overcontrol. 


But thankfully like appearance of a hero at the most dire of situations.


I awakened a new trait.


'Mind Palace'


It's an ability which allows me to control each and everything inside of my Spiritual Sea, along with few other effects.


Even if another incident like this ever happened, it will sting at most. Even if there is a tsunami or lava eruption of spiritual energy inside my spiritual sea.


Not like something like it can ever happen again at this point, even if it happened, I could fix it in just a few seconds.


Still, along with the completion of 2nd stage of Spiritual Art of Comic Tree Cultivation, I have also located the piece of consciousness inside of my spiritual sea.


It's really Seiko! The Artificial spirit beast I made in my last life.


My supposed supporter and only friend.


But she is in a particular state which is why she is unable to come in contact with me.


She was more like an artificial intelligence created using Fuinjutsu. But due to the strange process of travelling from one world to another, she miraculously transformed into a soul fragment.


And if one is knowledgeable enough, they can tell what it means to exist in another person's spiritual sea in the form of a soul fragment.


Guarantied destruction.


The presence of a foreign soul fragment in one's spiritual sea directly challenges the owner's authority to exist.


It stimulates body's or rather spirit's defense mechanism, where it does every possible activity to destroy it as soon as it can.


So, the question is why hasn't it done so?


I have a theory for it, due to Seiko transmigrating to this world with me that, my spirit somehow, perceives it as a part of my own consciousness.


It just gives me more time, but it doesn't solve the problem after all.


'But I think I have found a solution for it as well.'


I thought thinking of the certain Spiritual cultivation technique I am practicing.


Anyway, to look at my quest rewards.


- Unlock World Quests (It will trigger when the time is right)

- Increased Favorability with Bibi Dong and Spirit Hall

- First quest bonus: ???


I clicked on first quest bonus.



12 Daggers of the Sovereign

It's a set of 12 soul bound weapons, each with its own special attributes and type depending on it's use. Its soul bound, can't get stolen even if destroyed. Can restore over time if damaged or destroyed.



'Hmm, all things are alright only the last part irked me a little.'


But I do know that a strong material will make it to be a strong material.


"Ok here you go. 12 kg of True Gold!" I said taking out the said material from my small world.


True Gold is one of the few rarest materials I have.


And I am unsurprised that it doesn't exist in this world, not even by another name.


True Gold is a metal which is said to have 100% conductivity to all kinds of energies.


It is especially famous for its effectiveness against, soul's and spiritual beings.


Even I don't have much of it just one thousandth of other rare metals.


Only about a few hundred million tons.



To Be Continued:

[Word Count: 2050]


A/N: Well, that was anticlimactic… Still any comments? How was it?