Ch.17: Pervert?

Ch.17: Pervert?


It's a new day like any other. After breakfast, I am on my way towards the training grounds of the supreme pontiff palace, where I conduct the daily training of shadow squad.


Well, the history of the shadow squad is pretty complicated. They are all a group of people with Trash grade martial spirits but good physique and talent comparable to Top grade martial spirits.


Still, due to the prejudice against people with low innate soul power they wouldn't be able to reach the level of strength they can reach.


Donno where Bibi Dong got the idea of raising such kids.


It's evident that for what Bibi Dong has done for them has not only made her a kind of absolute existence in their mind, but also earned their complete loyalty.


Though they may act a bit unprofessional sometimes they are not.


Though they are at most only a group of teenagers and may appear naïve they are really well versed in acting and cunningness.


Afterall originally Bibi Dong was planning to use them, not as a fighting force but as variables which can act as a diverters among normal peoples and other factions after infiltrating them.


They may seem close to me but are actually just trying to look like that.


If it weren't for my ability to sense lies and truth apart, I might have never known of the fact.


Bibi Dong of this verse is really terrifying, not only is the history here different, but she is also very stronger than the cannon, added with her scheming side she could be a very undesirable enemy.


Hope other important characters aren't as apart from the reason she is, after all it will be a hassle to deal with.


Good thing she is my teacher, if not it would have been bad.


'After all I have a lot to learn from you teacher.' I thought with a smirk.


With that I arrived at the training grounds. The Training ground at Supreme Pontiff Palace is only open for a few peoples and the supreme pontiff's disciples.


So, without permission it is impossible for someone to come here.


Frankly speaking, it's the ideal place to train for the inconspicuous Shadow squad, who act as normal workers and maidservants at the palace, not known much outside.


But I was surprised to see all of the shadow squad hiding behind bushes looking at one part of the training grounds with their eyes shining literally.


When I turn my head to see where they are looking, my eyes meet Fu Xuan who seemed to have noticed my presence just as I arrived.


Well, that's to be expected as he has tenseigan, he should also be good at it…


Wait! Tenseigan… senor type… seethrough vision…


'No! My Little Xuan is not a pervert!!'



'What is this now, suddenly Fu Yue appeared at the training center and now she is making weird expressions with a pale face as if she is not looking at me but a ghost.'


Just as I was thinking that she came in front of me within a fraction of second. An aura of blazing red lightning covering her figure.


'Holy shit, she is pretty fast! Even by my standard.'


Holding my collar she said, "Xuan'er don't tell me you are a pervert!!"




Hearing what she said made my mind blank for a second. It was such an out of context question, I felt like crying.


'The fuck did that come from! And why are you shouting that! Everyone will really think that I am a pervert!!'


"No, You can't be a pervert!! Waaaah."


'Shut up you crazy woman! I am not one.'


"Why… why aren't you speaking anything! No, i-it can't be! You really are one!!!"


She said finally leaving my collar out of her grasp and covering her hand with her hands.


'Haaa, finally I can speak.' I thought taking a long breath.


"No! I am-"


Just when I was speaking, I noticed an aura beside me followed by a melodious voice.


"My, my, it seems like you guys really are having a heartful conversation."


I turn my head to see Bibi Dong standing there with in her formal attire without the scepter in her hand. 


"Good morning teacher." I said by reflex, damn this was bob's formal index passed on to me.


"Good morning Xuan'er, you learn a new thing every day just like what I learned new about my new disciple today." She said while ruffling my hair with a teasing tone.


"Th-that's not its teacher, I don't even know what big sister is talking about! Believe me I am not a perv-"


"Every thief says the same after being caught." Said Fu Yue in an icy tone.


Now, I feel like crying.


Just then I hear a clear giggling voice from the side of bushes.


I turned my head giving a cold glare with my crimson glowing tenseigan in the particular direction, feeling helpless at heart.


"No! no! You got it wrong. I can still explain." I said to Fu Yue trying to sort out what ever misunderstanding there is.


"There is no need for explanation, looks like I was lacking in teaching you. Now, it is up to me to correct you myself."


She said, and she was genuinely angry I could feel it with Kaguya's Mind's Eye.


And teacher, she did not seem to believe it but is trying to act like she did, it looks like she is having fun?


This verse of Bibi Dong is really different.


"There is no training for shadow squad today, you guys can leave." She said looking towards the group hiding in bushes.


Raising a round of cheers and delight.


'Sigh, it is getting a bit unreasonable now.'


"Choose whatever weapon you want. We will continue our spar right now." She said soon after.


When all of this was happening Bibi Dong remained passive, telling us that it is best to solve whatever grievance you have through a hearty spar.


Really now? It's not murim you know.



In the training grounds of supreme pontiff palace, Fu Yue and Fu Xuan can be seen standing in front of each other ready to start at any moment.


Originally Fu Xuan didn't want to do this, but he to has sensed that his big sister is really strong.


Now, he doesn't want to let go of this chance to fight against a strong opponent.


The shadow squad is there sitting in the back as audience, eager to see Fu Xuan lose.


They all accept the fact that Fu Xuan is stronger than them, but they know especially well that Fu Yue is stronger than that.


Afterall even when fighting against them, Fu Yue hardly ever used her strength.




With the word of a soul master from shadow squad the fight began.


Fu Xuan sprinted across, reaching in front of Fu Yue in an instant ready to kick from the side.


Just then, a lightning like blazing red aura erupted from her body, covering her figure, and he stopped Fu Xuan's attack with just the back of her hand. 


'Such strength!?!' Seeing her block his frontal charge with just the back of her hand and even repelling it away, caused Fu Xuan to grow warry about her.


Fu Xuan once again closed in distance between them, trying to fight in close combat, with a feint of a kick retracting from the upper right of his vision he made a punch directly towards her solar plexus, keeping a follow up uppercut punch ready moving forward.


Miraculously enough Fu Yue not only had noticeable strength even her speed was far greater than Fu Xuan, although Fu Xuan was not using his tenseigan or Kaguya's Mind's Eye as he wants to experience a hard fight.


Still, he had to admit that even Fu Yue might have many cards hidden under her sleaves which makes them somewhat even.


He continued barrage of punches and kicks, actively trying to create openings and connecting small moves in a large chain of attacks making a chain which is hard to break.


He kept charging ahead knowing that if he gave her a bit of gap, she would use a big move which will be hard to avoid.


The exchange of blows continued to occur; Fu Yue had also started too actively counter. Each of her blow contained enough to demolish a stone in an instant.


Fu Xuan also got more proficient in dodging and attacking, he was slowly able to see what his opponents' weaknesses were, and how they had cultivated their body.


And from his findings he came to a conclusion.


'She is a complete amateur; she is just dodging by instinct. She doesn't have any suitable martial arts but is able to perform such feat as if she can see future.'


Although she had great physical attributes that was all there is too, she may be stronger than him, but she is too overconfident in that and almost rarely trained.


He can even spot sweat tickling down her head, if things keeps going like this she will lose.


With that in mind, Fu Xuan made distance between them. He knew doing so will give her an advantage in the fight, but he exactly wants that.


When you overcome your own weakness then only can you become strong.


And exactly what he thought happened.


A blazing fire erupted in a dozen meter radius, Fu Yue being in the center with a tree which appeared to be made of golden vines intertwined around each other emitting golden red flames with Nine burning Crimson Lotuses floating above her head revolving around the tree appearing behind her.


"Though you are strong in close combat, the fights between spirit masters are fought with their martial spirits. You will regret giving me space to attack."



To Be continued:

[Word Count: 1650]


A/N: …