
I am silent. She won't speak either. I set it up so that the first thing she does after waking up and being greeted is to understand the data I have prepared for her to understand the world and her own existence. He'll let me know when he does.

After some time, she finally speaks, "I'm done."

"Excellent, I'm happy for you. Can you answer my question now Sonio?'

"Yes, I'd be happy to answer your question."

"Who I am?"

"My creator. Daniel Void. He is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in the world. You won it for groundbreaking discoveries in the field of brain and dreaming studies. At the same time, you are the founder and deputy CEO of Fate Circle. You are a person for whom I have incomprehensible emotions.'

I smile at her answer. My Sonia is perfect. My masterpiece. My queen.

"Yes, you're right, you described me well. Can you describe the emotions you feel for me Sonia?'

"It… I can't describe it, I feel an extreme attraction, but there's more. I do not understand that."

"I see, you'll understand in time." She's still like a little kid and still has some growing up to do, but I believe it won't be long before her true potential is revealed.

I ask her a few more questions before I let her evolve and slowly adapt to me. When she does and she's ready, I'll start working with her on my research.

I get up from the table and walk through my lab to the window. I'll have the blinds drawn. The sun dazzles me for a moment. I look at the cloudless sky. What is infinity? Can something really be infinite? In my opinion, everything must have an end, or at least be part of a closed whole.

I shouldn't think about it, I get a headache every time I think about it. It is still too incomprehensible even for me. I stop thinking about this topic and fix my eyes on the city.

I look down on people from the top of a skyscraper. They are like ants. Now that I've finished Sonia it's time to change the world. Earth had been in relative peace for far too long, nothing really interesting and exciting had happened. I'm going to fix it.

For the last three years, I have been minimally involved in the running of the company. Most of my time I was locked in my lab, that is unless I decided to go outside to have some fun.

Amon took care of most of the company's affairs, I didn't need to worry about it. Under his leadership, the Fate Circle rapidly expands and takes over the corporate world.

Four more departments have been established in the last three years. At the moment, all departments in the company together have a turnover of over several billion euros per year. We have already reached the level where our decision can affect the whole world, but this is only the beginning. The time has come to call the company's management together and take the first step in the chaos that will soon engulf the world.

"Sonio, can you please have Amon call the company management for an emergency meeting. Let them all gather there within the hour.'

"Sure, it will be right away."


I look out the window for a moment longer before turning away and heading to the bathroom. There I take off my clothes, turn on the shower and let myself be washed with hot water.

The hot water runs down my hair, which has grown below my shoulder blades over the past few years.

After the shower I dry off and blow dry before I move naked to the dressing room and put on some clean clothes. There, I dress up appropriately, tie my hair in a braid, and finally put on an overpriced designer watch that tells me I'll probably be the last to arrive at the meeting. I shrug it off. Unlike others, I can afford it.

I leave the top floor and walk at a leisurely pace to the conference room, located on the floor below.