
An alert sounds in my earpiece before being followed by a machine voice: "A high level of dangerous Mr. Fersen has been detected. Prepare and expect a highly probable attack on your person. Please follow my instructions to ensure your safety."

I look and tap my watch to confirm I received the message and follow its instructions.

I unbuckle my belt. The taxi driver looks at me but doesn't say anything. I put my hand in my jacket, ready to pull out my gun at any moment. I look out the window at heavy traffic, tall buildings and a clear sky. Even though it's already January, it hasn't snowed at all yet. Except for rare occasions at night, the temperature did not drop below zero degrees Celsius. I am glad for that. I'm not really a fan of the cold.

I hear a voice in my ear again. I look at the driver. There is a traffic jam on the road, so we are moving very slowly. It just reaches into the storage space in the door.

I follow the instructions and draw my own weapon.

The driver pulls out his revolver, but before he can even aim I pull the trigger. There is a bang and the taxi driver's gun appears from his hand. The bullet went through his head. He limply jerks the steering wheel until the taxi smashes into a car driving in the next lane. Fortunately, thanks to the low speed of both machines, this is not serious.

He throws me forward, but I'm ready for it. I grab a firm grip before the impact and make it through without too much trouble.

I open the door and get out of the vehicle. I take a breath and brush the non-existent dust off my jacket to feel better. Then I take out my tissues to clean the drops of blood that fell on me. Thanks to the accident, the traffic stopped and I can safely cross the road, all the way to the sidewalk.

I don't even go a few dozen steps when I'm warned again of an attack. Without thinking, I throw myself sideways to the ground. I jumped just in time. Not even a second after my dodge, a bullet whizzed past where I was standing. I was almost taken down by a sharpshooter.

I roll over when I hit the ground, but I've never been the best at physical activities. I hastily get up and rush to the nearest building.

People around me started to panic. They were probably scared by the bullet that appeared out of nowhere. I'm not at all surprised that when I faced the first assassination attempt aimed at me, I couldn't keep calm either. Even now I'm not completely calm.

There will be no more shots. I safely enter the nearest building and hide from the sniper.

After a few minutes I get a notification that the attacker has been taken care of. I hope that was the last bomber. I like my life and I don't want to lose it.

I pull out my cell phone and call a new taxi. He'll be here in a few minutes. I get in and let him drive me to the airport.

I pay the driver for the trip and get out of the vehicle. Eight professionals from the Untouchability Department are already waiting for me outside the airport, who will be in charge of my protection for the next few hours. Under their guidance, I board a private jet, which immediately takes off.

After I sit down, I look at the commander of my security and ask him what they found out about the assassination and its culprit. From his answer, it wasn't hard to figure out who was behind it. When he's done, he hands me a box. When I look at its contents, I understand who and for what purpose it was given to me.

I look out the window at the rapidly receding ground. I love the view. I look away and make myself comfortable in the seat. I need to rest. The assassination was exhausting. So I just close my eyes and stop thinking about everything.

We land in Madrid in less than an hour.

Accompanied by my security guard, I exit the plane and leave the airport safely. We go to the parking lot where the three cars we rented are parked. Three of us get into each vehicle.

After everyone is settled, our small convoy will leave with my vehicle in the middle. Our destination is the Moncloa Palace, where the Spanish Prime Minister resides.