Not a concubine!

"Why are you so angry? It was just a harmless suggestion." Jayden asked.

Ryder himself didn't know why he was so angry, it was a normal thing. Female prisoners were usually sent as concubines to high ranking wolves. But, the thought of someone else touching her and making love to her made him so angry. It provoked a blinding anger in him.

"She won't be a concubine, make another suggestion." Ryder said.

"She can be a household servant" a woman said as she walked inside. She was Helena, she was Ryder's aunt.

"I am sorry for eavesdropping. I was just passing by when I heard you two discussing." she said.

"Do you think she should be an household servant, aunt Helena?" Jayden asked.

"I think so love, give her a room in the house and let her help me around the house" Helena replied.

"I dont think that is a good idea, she should be given a more harsh punishment that befits her crime" Ryder said.

Helena resisted the urge to roll her eyes, this nephew of hers could be a bit pig headed. "Come on now Ryder, the girl has suffered a lot. I am sure she must have learnt her lesson by now." Helena said.

"Come on Ryder, just keep her here at least you can keep an eye on her" Jayden added.

"Fine, go and get her, give her the details of her work." Ryder said.

"sure." Jayden said.

Jayden went out of the pack house and went to the prison to get Ava.

When he got to the prison, he saw Ava on the floor, wrapped up in a blanket that looked familiar to Jayden.

She looked up when he came in. "Thanks for the blanket" she said. Jayden was sure that he wasn't the one who brought the blanket so who could it be?

He took a closer look at the blanket, it was Ryder's blanket, and it still had his scent. So Ryder had been the one that had brought the blanket.

"did you sleep well?" Jayden asked.

"kind of"

"Ryder has said that you are to be an household servant and take care of the house chores. Come with me" Jayden said.

Ava stood up and folded the blanket. Then she tried to hand it over to Jayden.

"it's okay, you can keep it" Jayden said.

They walked in silence back to the pack house. Before they got inside, Jayden stopped Ava. "he doesn't really like you that much so avoid doing anything that would annoy him"

"I understand completely" Ava replied.

They got inside and met Ryder and Helena. Ryder's eyes narrowed when he saw how close Jayden and Ava were standing. He glanced at the folded blanket in Ava's hands and his eyes narrowed even further.

"You are to help out Helena in the house. Don't try to disrespect her" Ryder said.

"I won't."

"good. Helena will show you to your room."

Ryder turned around and left. "come here child, I will show you to your room."

Helena took her to the room and Jayden went to the kitchen. He took some food from the kitchen, put it in a bag and walked out of the house to the forest. He went to the same house, he knocked on the door but nobody came outside. He put the food outside and walked away.

Some few minutes after he left, the door opened and someone came outside. The person looked in the direction Jayden had left.

"foolish fool, when will you stop coming here." He took the food inside and locked the door.

Helena showed Ava to her room, it was a small room, it had just a bed and a small table.

"You are free to decorate it anyhow you like it" Helena said kindly.

Ava nodded and said nothing. "You know Ryder isn't always like this. It's just that he really cherishes his sister so much and the fact that you hurt her made him angry" Helena said.

"aren't you angry at me too?" Ava asked.

"I raised Lily, and I know her very well. She isn't as innocent as her brother thinks she is. And if there is anything that I know is that life isn't black and white, you might have your faults too but everything that happened isn't entirely your fault. Have a shower, I will get you some clothes" Helena said. She patted Ava's shoulders.

She walked away and left Ava to her thoughts. Ava sat on the bed and hugged the blanket closer to herself.

For some reason, the smell of the blanket made her feel safe.

She thought about Ryder, she couldn't help it. Thoughts of him constantly filled her head. She couldn't help but think about him. She regretted giving Lily an hard time. If she had been a little nicer, things wouldn't be like this now between she and him.


Dustin Shields came out of the car and looked around. He had driven for a long time and he had finally reached his destination.

He didn't want to be here but he had no choice. He had to do this to save Ava. 

He walked to the gate and pressed the door bell. "I am here to apply for a job" he said into the speaker.

"Come in" a voice answered from the speaker.

The gate opened and Dustin walked inside. He went inside the main house and met a man. 

"what specie are you?" he asked. 

"werewolf" he answered.

"what pack are you affiliated with?"

"None. I am a rogue"

"Are you sure you can do this kind of work?"

"very sure. There is nothing that I can't do. As far as money is involved"

"good. You will be perfect for this job then."