Please let me help him

"He was just confused but now he knows better. Please, your highness. He will die if he doesn't wake up."

"Instead of begging here, you should look for other solutions because I am not letting my niece go back to that pack. And any act of taking her forcefully will mean that Fireblood declares war against Salvatore." the queen declared. 

"Please I beg you. Dreya please beg her." Evena beseeched Dreya to help him, Dreya ignored him however. 

"Take him out." the queen ordered the guards. 

Evena was dragged out by the guards and dumped outside the gates. He didn't leave, he knelt down outside the gates. 

"Has he left?" the queen asked the guard.

"He kneels outside the gates, your highness. Do we drive him away?" the guard asked.

"No, let him be. When he is tired, he will leave." the queen replied. 

"Do we tell Ava about this?" Dustin asked.