A mistake

Lilian walked outside the company with Sue.

"I am so sorry Sue, we might have to postpone dinner tonight, it's already late." Lilian told Sue with an apologetic tone.

"It's okay Lilian, we can do dinner tomorrow." Sue said.

"Or do you want to have dinner at my place with my family?" Lilian offered.

"Really? Would your parents be okay with that"

"Of course they would be, they have been wanting to meet you for a while."

"Okay, let's go then."

Lilian stopped a cab and she and Sue entered inside and headed to her home.

When she got home, she immediately went to carry Lavender who giggled upon seeing her.

"Hey my little boy, I missed you so much." she cooed to him.

"Awwn, he is much cuter in real life." Sue said as she played with him.

"Hey Lilian, how was work?" Aunty Rebecca asked.

"Work went okay, by the way, this is Sue, I told you guys about her." Lilian made the introductions.