Was I bad?

Alessandro reached up and turned off the shower then he picked her up and carried her to his bed. The remainder of her clothes were quickly taken care of.

He climbed on top of her and kissed her again, his body relaxing on hers, every part of their body touched each other.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked her.

"I am sure, very sure." she answered.

He leaned in to kiss her again, while his hands caressed her body. His lips moved lower to feather kisses on her neck then he went even lower to suck her nipples. She moaned even louder as she gripped his head telling him not to stop.

Soon, she was lost in delirious pleasure as he kissed and caressed every part of her body.

"Please be inside me." she begged him.

He nipped at her neck playfully. "Patience my darling."

And then he put on the condom and slowly entered her.

She moaned as she felt him enter her, she gripped his shoulders to stable herself.