A little problem

Reni kept quiet as he escorted Feyre out of the throne room.

"You don't have to bother taking me back if you don't want to" she told him.

"But I do, it's the king order and I wish to obey his order" Reni replied.

"Okay, if you insist"

"May I hold your hand?" Reni asked.

"of course you may do so" she replied.

Reni reached out and held her hand, in less than a second, he took her back to her palace.

"Thank you Reni" she replied.

"You are welcome" he replied politely.

"You are much more better behaved than Evena, that's for sure" Feyre said as she glanced at him.

"Thank you, my queen. Might I enquire if Evena is around?" Reni asked.

"I knew it, that's why you were so insistent on bringing me home" she told him.

Reni looked down abashed, "I am afraid you are right, my queen. I did have an ulterior motive." he told her.

"Fine, I will let you see him on one condition"

"What is it?"