Going to Salvatore


Reni opened his eyes, he was in a raging bed of fire. The strange thing was he didn't feel hot.

"where am I? Is this heaven?" he asked aloud.

He heard someone laughing, he looked up to see Azazel sitting close to him on a throne made of fire.

"Welcome to hell" Azazel said.


Killian was in bed with Constanza, the both of them were snuggled up under his blanket.

"I can't believe Reni is dead, and he died just to save me" Killian said.

"He must have really cared for you" Constanza said, still in shock about Reni's death.

"This is all my grandfather's fault, if he hadn't done that deal, Reni wouldn't be dead now" Killian said furious.

"But then you wouldn't be alive" Constanza reminded him.

"And he is so dumb that he didn't realize that he was playing into a well laid trap by the demons"

"Killian, I have a confession to make." Constanza said tentatively.