The cutest boy


Trina stood up from her kneeling position, gazing down at the carved figurines she had been praying to, and bowed once again. She turned around to see Dean looking at her, disapproval etched on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but she held up her hand to stop him. "I know what you're going to say, and I don't want to hear it," she told him.

"But I have genuine reasons to be against this," Dean argued.

"My family's women have worshipped these gods for generations, asking for their help in childbirth. Why should I be any different?" Trina asked, her voice firm.

"But that was in the past, wasn't it? You told me your mother didn't worship them," Dean pointed out.

"And we almost died during childbirth. I won't put myself or our child through that," Trina said, her eyes pleading.

"Your mother not worshipping those gods isn't the reason you almost died," Dean countered.