Chapter 9: Nothing to Apologize For

Chapter 9: Nothing to Apologize For


Loreen easily got hired when she applied right after graduating so she was confident she would be able to find work again. She worked part time even when she was in university, so she had years of experience working.


She was rather more worried about how she would survive with her feelings for Edric. She hoped and prayed; she could move on from him.


She felt emotional once again as she stood by the door. 


Loreen gulped. Her eyes scanned their bedroom. The den of their love for three years.


She had a final look at everything and did her best to push back the thoughts of the memories they had here. 


She hoped she could leave behind everything here just as she had decided to leave everything Edric brought for her. 


"Goodbye," she said to no one in particular.


Perhaps it was goodbye to her younger self who believed she could settle as just a housewife her whole life if she had a husband as kind as Edric.


'Kind?' she shrugged and rolled her eyes as she recalled how he almost strangled her earlier.


Could she still believe and call him kind after that?


Ah, there was no need to ponder about it. It would only hurt her head and heart more. They would never meet again anyway.


It was better to just forget about everything and let go than give herself false hopes.


She sighed deeply as her eyes scanned their room one last time.


She could not even begin to imagine that everything, every good thing that happened here would end up this way. 


She gently closed the door and headed downstairs.


The maids were all crying silently. But they did not dare move since their master was still in a bad mood. They must be afraid he would fire them all. 


Edric had returned inside. He was sitting like a king on his favorite spot on the sofa. He looked much more composed, and calmer compared to earlier. But his aura was still dark.


Loreen walked past him. She did not have the strength to have a last look at him. She could already feel he was still furious at her. She didn't need to see that heartbreaking expression again.


Instead, she gave the maids her final hug. She tightly squeezed their hands, assuring them she would be alright, so they did not need to worry.


"The documents?" Edric asked in an angry voice when she simply walked to the front door without saying anything to him.


"In the master bedroom," she paused and replied without looking his way. She no longer called it their bedroom since it wasn't anymore.


"Tsk. So eager to leave after you got what you wanted? Can't you at least apologize to me first?" Edric seemed to be up for another fight.


It was only then that she finally turned to look at him. He was glaring at her like she was a criminal who had committed the worst crime possible to him.


That look on his face crushed her heart even more. He was fully convinced she was an evil woman.


She could not comprehend how words from a girl he did not even know made him believe all those lies about her. 


Loreen knew he was a smart man since he managed such a huge business and corporation. So why does he keep looking at her with such hateful eyes?


Even if Sera told him something, how would he turn this way in the span of two weeks?


She wanted to explain how Sera made her life a living hell since they were little. 


But why should she when he won't even believe her? He already believed Sera. 


Anyway, Loreen already signed the divorce papers too. 


Since he believed Sera more than her, it proved even more that there was no love left in his heart for her.


"I only took my things and nothing else. I did nothing wrong, so I have nothing to apologize for," Loreen clarified.


"Nothing wrong?!!" Edric thundered. He walked towards her filled with fury. The maids blocked his path this time since he looked like he had lost it again.


"Sir, please, calm down. The Madam is already leaving," the maids begged.


Edric clenched his fists and stopped. He seemed to recall what happened earlier.


Loreen did too and did not want to experience it, so she was set to leave. But she recalled something.


"Oh right, Aunt Martha, please inform the supposed guests that the celebration is cancelled," Loreen gave her last instruction as their Madam. 


She was too brokenhearted to make the cancellations herself. She could not. They would ask her far too many questions and she might break down before she even talked to all the guests.


"Celebration? What for?" Edric frowned.


Loreen stopped in her tracks at that.


'He did not even remember what today is?!!'


She felt like she might burst but she held everything in.


"I see you do not even remember. Happy third anniversary, Ed," Loreen faked a smile but only managed half. 


"Anniversary?" Edric glanced at his smartwatch and was wide-eyed when he saw the date. He finally had a look of guilt on his face when he realized he asked her for divorce on the day of their wedding.


But Loreen did not need to see anymore of it. There was no need to shake her already weak resolve.


"Congratulations on becoming single again, Mr. Harvey," she smiled fully this time despite the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.


She quickly turned around and walked out the door without waiting for his reply.


It hurt even more to know that Edric even forgot that today was their anniversary. 


Loreen had had enough. She needed to have some time on her own and try mending her broken heart or at least figure out how to live from now on.


"Lori, wait!"

Her heart tightened at the sound of her nickname from his lips. This was the last time she would hear it. 

But what would he tell her?

Was he going to stop her from leaving?

Would he come and say this was all a cruel prank?

Her heart raced hoping everything was just a prank and Edric still wanted her.

But what she wanted to hear was not what left his lips. It was just his last bit of consideration to her.

"Uncle Jerson will drive you," Edric followed her out when he saw her refuse their driver and walk out of the gate. He finally had some semblance of guilt after realizing that he divorced her on the day of their anniversary.


Her heart ached even more. It was indeed better not to have useless hopes. She only hurt herself more.

"No, thanks, Mr. Harvey. I am no longer your wife. I will take a cab. Oh, and please do not call me by nickname from now on. I am Loreen Ross Garcia, in case you forgot," Loreen said and entered the cab that stopped in front of her.


Edric seemed to have something more to say but she did not dare look back.


"Where to, Ma'am?" the cab driver inquired.


But Loreen did not even know where to go. 


"To the airport, please," she decided on the spot when she realized people would keep calling her if she stayed here. 


She needed to be away from Edric. Be out of this city. No, out of this country.


As soon as she could not see Edric from the rearview mirror, her tears fell in torrents. 


She ended up sobbing in the back seat, so the driver silently drove her to the airport.