Chapter 168: Shouldn’t He Face the Consequences of His Actions?

Chapter 168: Shouldn't He Face the Consequences of His Actions?

"We were both drunk.

I swear, I didn't even know who he was.

I only knew his name was Edric.

Several weeks later, I also refused to marry him when he asked me to.

But I was pregnant then, so he insisted until I agreed," Loreen clarified.

Why does she have to keep explaining this?

Before Aunt Selma learned how Loreen and Edric met, had she been thinking of her as just a gold digger?

Was it why Aunt Selma had been scolding Loreen a lot?

Being born poor, it was true Loreen once dreamed of becoming rich someday.

It was one of her dreams as a child after Sera kept looking down on her and showing the differences in the things they could and couldn't have. Even the people who would side with them… There was a great deal of difference.

But as she grew older and became more mature, all Loreen wanted was enough to sustain herself.