Chapter 206: Captured by the Three

Chapter 206: Captured by the Three

Matthew, James, and Amelia's offices were still empty so Loreen figured they were in Centra Bank.

Which meant, she would just have to continue what she was doing yesterday. After all, the CEO gave her a week to learn about everything before having a meeting.

Loreen cleaned her office just in case some dust settled. When she was done sweeping the floor and wiping the tables, she retrieved the files where she stopped what she was reviewing yesterday and finally seated herself.

Once again, she was buried in documents until Jasmin knocked at her door for lunch. They had a hearty lunch before returning to work.

It was past 3:00 PM when someone knocked at her door again.

"Ms. Loreen?"

It was the CEO.

"Oh, good afternoon!"

Loreen immediately rose as Matthew entered her office.

"Please have a seat, Sir," she ushered him to the seat since he may have come all the way here to discuss something.