Life's Hidden Currents

Hidden between the high skies, a private jet flew peacefully. The two men inside the jet were Wu Chunlei, a man in his 30s, and an old man in his 70s, Chen Lao. They were dressed in clothing that represented their high status. Wu Chunlei had a cold and indifferent demeanor, while Chen Lao had wise but cunning eyes.

Wu Chunlei spoke, "Master Chen, are you sure about your findings?"

Master Chen responded, "Are you doubting me, young man?"

Wu Chunlei retorted, "I haven't felt any fluctuations of energy, and yet you come and tell me that the first page of the manual has been discovered."

Master Chen explained, "You, of all people, should know that what science describes as supernatural and fiction is actually real."

Wu Chunlei warned, "If I find out you lied to me..."