Sun Lixia's Threat

After dinner, Grandpa Sun put down his chopsticks and addressed Sun Lixia, "We should hold a grand banquet to welcome you back. It's fitting, and I'd like you to legally change your name."

Sun Lixia laughed gently, "A banquet? Isn't that a bit much?"

Sun Weilong joined in, "No, it's important! We need the city to know you're home, part of the Sun family. You're our princess."

Sun Lixia shook her head, "I'm far too old for such titles."

Grandpa Sun chuckled, "To us, you'll always be our princess."

Sun Fang chimed in, "A celebration sounds great. It's been ages since our family gathered joyously. What do you say, Sun Gang?"

Sun Gang, distracted and deep in thought, barely heard his brother. His schemes to eliminate Sun Fang and secure his place had backfired, stirring up greed and resentment. His plans lay shattered before the revelation of new family members.