Court Case Ends!

As they walked out of the court, Tang Junjie expressed his gratitude to Ao Junfeng.

Tang Junjie: "Thank you, we wouldn't have done this without you."

Ao Junfeng nonchalantly replied, "Sure thing."

Brother Song, still overwhelmed with emotions, asked about his family.

Brother Song: "My family?"

Ao Junfeng smiled and gestured for Brother Song to turn around. To his surprise, his wife and child were approaching them. Overcome with relief, Brother Song rushed toward them and embraced them in a tight hug.

Brother Song: "Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?"

His wife reassured him, "We are both okay, nothing happened."

Brother Song turned to Ao Junfeng, seeking an explanation for the unexpected reunion.

Brother Song: "When did they get here?"

Ao Junfeng explained, "They have been here since morning, in a different waiting room with Tang Junjie."

Grateful and emotional, Brother Song turned back to Ao Junfeng.