Agent 3

As they drove back home in a convoy, the atmosphere inside each vehicle was tense, weighed down by the unsettling events of the day. Li Xinjie and Sun Lixia exchanged worried glances, their thoughts consumed by the unexpected revelation and its potential ramifications for their family.

Suddenly, a jolt rocked the car as it was struck from behind, sending Li Xinjie and Sun Lixia lurching forward, their heads colliding with the seats in front of them. The driver's voice trembled as he apologized, explaining that they had been rear-ended by another vehicle.

Li Xinjie's eyes narrowed with suspicion, his muscles tensing with a surge of adrenaline. "It's them," he muttered darkly, his mind racing with thoughts of retaliation.

Sun Lixia, though injured, remained composed, her gaze steely as she instructed the driver to change course. "We need to shake them off," she commanded, her voice firm with determination.