"Elfana, can I ask you?" Erika said that after she put her cold coffee cup down, with two hours left before she had to go to work, Elfana was standing by her sofa.

"Of course, madam, you don't need permission to ask me." Elfana muttered, a little bit worried, thinking of what the questions would be.

Erika raised her gaze to the ceiling, then quickly turned to Elfana, who was afraid of her move. "What does Rafael like?" Elfana rolled her eyes slowly to the other side. "Beautiful women, there's no doubt about this," Elfana thought as Erika noticed her facial expressions.

"No, I mean, the food, drinks, and so on," Erika said in a hurry while talking with her hands. She got nice long nails; she used to care for them and treat them with much love.