Torment 1

Allow me to introduce myself; I'm Benjamin Lawson. High school was like an unending battle for me. Every step I took felt like it pushed me further into my own world of pain. The hallways were filled with harsh words and hurtful laughter that clung to me like a dark cloud.

Cruelty was a constant companion; I'd been living with it for years. The bullies found their favorite target in my appearance, especially my weight. My round face and chubby frame made me an easy mark for their relentless teasing. High school seemed more like a battlefield, and I was their punching bag.

The more they taunted, the heavier my burden became. It wasn't just the physical pain; it was the emotional weight that trapped me. I became skilled at hiding my suffering, putting on a mask of laughter and smiles to shield my inner tears.

After my parents passed away, my grandma became my safe haven. She radiated warmth and kindness, and her home-cooked meals were a source of comfort. Even as my classmates' cruelty tried to break me, her love was my anchor in the storm.

There's another side of me you should know about—I had a secret passion for boxing. The raw power and unwavering discipline of the sport fascinated me. But I was far from a fighter; I was a gentle, timid soul in a world that demanded toughness.

Then, unexpectedly, Mike entered my life. He was a fellow student who, like me, bore the scars of bullying. Our shared pain forged an unspoken bond that drew us closer than we ever imagined.

High school hierarchies are ruthless, and bullies don't discriminate. One day, Mike became their target. Whether it was empathy or a surge of courage, I couldn't stand by any longer.

I stepped up, my voice trembling but resolute, to shield Mike from the tormentors. I willingly faced their cruelty to protect him. The beating we endured was brutal, a harsh reminder of the world we navigated each day.

As the final school bell rang, Mike and I, battered and bruised, walked away from the battlefield. Our bodies ached, but we carried something precious—a silent pact that bound us together, a commitment to confront our tormentors as a united front.

But when I reached home that day, my heart was heavy with pain. I was met with a sight that still haunts me. Ambulances surrounded my home, and the smell of smoke filled the air.

Fear gripped me as I desperately searched for my beloved grandma, my voice trembling as I cried out, "Granny! Where are you?" The answers from onlookers were grim; they spoke of a forgotten stove, a careless mistake, and a raging fire that had consumed our home. Those flames didn't just take our apartment; they stole the woman who had been my unwavering protector in a world so cruel.

In that moment, tears streaming down my face, I felt utterly alone, adrift in a world that had only shown me cruelty. The storm raged on, and my journey into the shadows had just begun.