chapter 4:Meeting sergio

 Serene's pov~~

 The moment we arrive at the shopping mall I already felt eyes on us,Alarmed I tell Nessa who also becomes alert.

 Going around the mall and the restuarants I count a total of five people following us two bitches and three stray dogs.

 We walk into a dark alley close by knowing it will be easier to finish it off.

 "Well look what we have here Nessa"I say while pkacing the bags on the floor in a neat place close by.

 They don't reply but instead charge towards us knife in hand.

 The other bitch and two men charge towards me while the remain to vanessa.

 "Who sent you"I ask while holding the hands of the girl who tries to slash me with her knife.

 she says something in Russia and I turn towards vanessa nodding.

 "Bitch"I say while twisting the hands of the bitch who slashes my thigh with the knife.

 Angry at the injury I snap her neck.

 she just ruined my skin.

 Remaining four and suddenly they drop dead as the sound of bullets are heard.

 "Are you ok Rene"The voice asks and looking closer I see a face that surprises me.

 "sergio"I call out softly the shock evident in my voice.

 "Its me rene"He says walking closer to me but stops when vanessa walks infront of me glaring at him.

 "what are you doing here"she asks in a stern voice while standing protectively infront of me and I roll my eyes at her.

 "None of your business I am here for rene"sergio says while marching towards me.

 the two have always hated themselves and I always wonder why.

 "kids stop fighting"I say while walking towards sergio and pushing nessa out of the way.

 they roll their eyes at me and vanessa huffs going to pick our bags.

 she is such a child sometimes.

 "Rene"Sergio says while engulfing me in a tight hug like we did not see each other in italy three weeks ago.