Chapter 13 :Reporters,sugar daddy

Third pov~~~

 Walking out of the hotel hand in hand Lorenzo and serene walk in silence towards their car.

 Lorenzo has his hands clasped around serene's in a protective and possesive grip not willing to let go.occassionally he would steal glances at Serene who remained straight faced though she noticed his glances long ago.

 The sun had already set in the sky and though it was a sunny day it was not hot but rather the right temperature with a slight breeze blowing which frequently blew serene's hair amd she brushed it back the annoyance clear on her face.

 seeing her face Lorenzo turns towards her turning her body towards his.

 He carefully and softly grabbed her long midnight hair between his hands and brushed them off her face and started braiding it at the back of her head.

 Looking up at him Serene lets out a teasing smile.

 ''when did young master enzo learn how to braid hair so perfectly''she asks him remembering how he used to try to braid her hair but always fail to do so properly.

 ''when you left''He answered his voice sounding off at remembering the past.before serene could answer a group of reporters who have been secretly taking pictures suddenly run out crowding them.

 At the site of the reporters Lorenzo intantly pulled serene into a protective embrace while the secret bodyguards run out of hiding protecting and covering them.

 Pulled into his arms she is filled with the scent of his spicy cologne and she inhales sharply intaking his scent.

 Serene slowly pushes herself off of him and stands before turning around,she felt Lorenzo link their hands again before he starts walking towards his car a black limited edition Rolls royce.

 The braver reporters tried to ask some questoned serene while the others shrink back at the intensity of Lorenzo's glare.


 ''Miss De vitto what is the relationship between you and Mr De Angelo''A reporter asks and serene turns laughing lightly at the question has blue eyes shinning brightly under the sun.


 ''My sugar daddy''she answers which causes an uproar and they soon start asking questions which she doesn't answer and enters the car with enzo.

 After sitting down in the car Lorenzo suddenly pulls her close to him his nose in the crookof her neck.

 ''sugar daddy huh''he asks his voice light while softly biting her neck and she nods her head in agreement.

 He bit her neck again this time using a little force and she hits his chest playfully.

 suddenly she feels something cold touching her neck and raising her hands up to feel it she realises its a diamond necklace.

 ''You got me this''she asks him running her hand on the surface of the expensive shiny necklace.

 ''For you baby''he tells her placing a kiss on her neck and she closes her eyes slowly.

 ''Enz-"she is stopped by the ringing of her phone and she picks it up.


 ''Hey babe''she hears Nessa'svoice on the other end.

 ''Hey you''she answers back feeling happy.

 ''we need you in base''Nessa simply says and serene answers ok before ending the call.


 She looks up and tells the driver the location to drop her off to.

 ''When am I going to see you again Tesoro(sweetheart)''Enzo asks her the look on his face showing how reluctant he is to let her go.

 ''Later'' she simply tells him and enzo nods placing his hands on her lower back drawing small circles while his head rests on her shoulders.


 Soon they get to the location and after a long kiss serene comes down from the car and starts walking towards a heavily guarded door.

 ''Boss''The men at the door call out in greeting while their bodies instantly tense up in fear of serene.

 The underworld and people in it knew better than to mess with serene and her best friend as they are Elias best weapon they killed without remourse and some of the men there have witnessed it.

 Serene smiles at their tense body before walking inside.

 she sees Vanessa who gives her a side hug her hands on her shoulder while they entered inside the base.

 ''why are we here''serene asks and vanessa nugdes her head forward looking up serene is met with the gaze of her grandfather.

 ''What is going on between you and the De Angelo's boy I thought you ended all that'' Grand pa Elias asks her his voice having a mixture of a confused tone and irritation.

 ''No greetings huh grandpa''serene asks him with a teasing smile but Elias face remains the same.

 ''Answer the question Serene''her grandfather tells her and she rolls her eyes at his serious voice.

 Turning she glares at Vanessa who is trying to hold in her laughter.

 ''You traitor you are suppose to help me''she tells Vanessa who soon starts laughing.

 ''Nothing grandpa just fun''she answers abd stands up after receiving a call from Issabella.


 ''Nessa Issa just informed me of a shoot I have today are you coming along''Serene asks her best friend who nods.

 ''Ok first to be out of the base gets to ride the motorcycle''Serene yells and starts running towards the door.

 They push and pull along the race and Elias just stands there laughing at their silliness.