Chapter16:Secret admirer

Third pov~~~

 Vincenzo rushes upstairs the phone in hand trying to calm his angry girlfriend,After some convincing and promises to buy her loads of purses from famous brands she finally lets him rest.

''Do you promise to take me shopping when we meet''Lina asks him her voice sounding spoilt and demanding and Vincenzo chuckles athis woman's voice.

 ''Yes I will baby now don't be angry''He appeased her and after talking for sometime he ends the call to go shout at javier the idiot.

 Shelly's place

 Shelly sits around sorrounded by socialite women like herself while they conversed and have afternoon tea.

 The day seemed just perfect for them to have their tea because the sun was not scorching hot and just there to provide light softly it streamed into the room creating a bright hue in the room.

 The five ladies there along with shelly and her two best friend Winter and sandy.

The life of socialites always looked so simple on the outside but was complex on the insidw were the ones on the top chain preyed on the ones below and the lower socialites plan to leach of the well to do ones.

 Shelly sits there proud and an arrogant look over her face everybody needs to respect and try to win favours with her as she is the future wife of the king himself Lorenzo De Angelo.

 ''Oh shelly we saw this news about your fiancee''One of the socialites point out the mock and sarcasm in her voice unhidden.

 They all secretly despiced shelly for her rude and arragant behaviour but tolerated her because she is the future Mrs De Angelo.

But seeing the news of Serene and Lorenzo they could not help but feel smug.

 ''What news''Shelly asks trying to steady her voice smiling slightly her red painted lips widening to show her white perfect set of teeths.

she had spent a lot of money to make them so perfect and showed it off at any chance she got.

 ''Oh of him and the famous De vitto's princess she is pretty and the netizens seems to be hyping them''The socialite woman says her face carving into a smile at shelly's angry face.

''Oh that she says they are just business partners besides my marriage with the man is set''shelly replies her tone trying to be arrogant but by the slight tremble and uncertainty the women knew she was trying to convince herself.

 Her friends looked ather as everyone from her inner cycle knew Lorenzo did not even look at her once and she was just therelike a decoration,an empty antique vase.

heck news traveled as people from the outer cycle seem to know that the man does not care for her.


 Soon they start praising serene and shelly gets fed up standing up from her seat she smiles at them.

 ''Well ladies I will have to cut our day short as I have something to do'' she says the forced smile on her face almost turning into a sneer but she controls her expressions well.

 Internally she felt like using the tea cups on the table to smash their faces but controlled herself as that would make their words seem true.

 ''What a bitch''Another socialite says starring at Shelly's aand her friends retreating form.

 ''she still thinks she is the future Mistress of the De Angelo household''one laughs mockingly shaking her head.

 soon they are lost in a mindless gossip while shelly is fuming walking out with her friends.

 ''How dare they''she asks pacing around while winter places her hands on shelly's shoulder but it is pushed off harshly and shelly turns looking at her with disgust on her face.

 ''Lorenzo is mine and that whore can do nothing to take him away''she swears while her friends stand there looking at her.


 In a cafe in the city

 The girls sit round the table gossiping and laughing amongst theirselves.

 ''I never expected this from you Ren''Angelina says folding her hands across her chest while glaring at Serene playfully.

 ''And what is it''serene asks before raising the cup of hot chocolate milk to her lips taking a sip elegantly.

 ''You came to the city met enzo and even mariano and I am excluded,I am sad Ren'' Angelina tells her while pouting and serene smiles at her.

 ''I met your brother by accident again and I was planning to meet everybody again''Serene explains and vanessa turns a teasing smile on her lips.

 ''Oh so the accident led to many accidental nights''Nessa tells her with a teasing voice and serene throws her head back laughing.

 ''Yes sis tell us''Camilla joins in and serene looks at the ladies amused by their words.

 ''Why are you guys teasing my woman''The deep and husky voice of Lorenzo says and the ladies turn around to see him walking into the place David by his side.

 ''Dave''Serene calls out and stands up hugging Dave who wraps his arms around her.

 ''You got taller''Dave tells her and she hits his chest while Lorenzo instantly pulls her towards his body.

 ''Jealous much''Vanessa snorts before getting up to side hug Lorenzo and the other ladies do the same.

 Vanessa stands close to Dave and they both start talking while enzo places his hands on serene's waist his face in the crook of her neck.

 ''I missed you''Lorenzo tells her and Serene smiles at his words.

 ''Hmm me or my body''she asks him and he chuckles at her words.

 ''Both baby''he answers lightly nibbling on the flesh on her neck.

 ''Ladies I'll need to borrow miss De Vitto for sometime''he tells thrm and drags serene away while the others boo and cheer their voice teasing and serene laughs at their words.

 When they leave the cafe Vanessa suddenly gets a call from someone and answering ashe places it on her ear hearing seeing the unfamiliar number.

 ''Hello''she calls out but receives no answer.

 ''Hello who is this'' she asks again her voice impatient.

 ''A secret admirer''The deep voice from the other end chuckles before the beeping sound of the call disconnecting is heard.