Chapter 20 :Steamy Dance

Serene's pov~~~


 ''Move your hands to the right slowly''I tell my students and watch how they follow my instructions some lagging behind.


 ''your hands should be straight darlings,and your left leg should also follow the motion'' I tell them before walking towards a girl standing in front and guiding her hands into the right motion.


 I took time today away from work and every other thing to come to my dance studio to teach some of my students some dance moves.

 My research in this city seems to be progressing and I simply became furstrated at how hard it seems to find out some things which led me here.


 Dancing has always been a way for me to blow out steam and maybe a mind blowing sex also helps but I decided on this today.


 ''Ok everyone Diza will start the music and we start from the beginning''I tell them clapping my hands to get their attention and they all reply in chorus.

 Diza is the one incharge of the music and boy is she good at it.


 She starts playing some hiphop song and soon my students start dancing along the music making sure to keep in track with the beats and also get the steps right.


 There is a huge difference between simply knowing how to dance naturally and learning, A natural dancer for me always goes with the flow of the music weather or not they practiced before that time.

 But a skilled dancer who learnt how to dance by practicing hard always need to keep practicing.


 I am a skilled dancer not the natural kind, my life first revovled around me simply lazing around but after that incident alot of things changed about me.


 Be it my appearance, way of talking or emotions everything shifted, physically I could only feel pain when it was very harsh,and emotionally I seem dead inside.many incidents has happened and I tried forcing myself to cry but nothing just numb.

 Being back I felt only Anger and a burning need for revenge towards this city and that was all.


 ''That's good keep going''I praise my students to enable them work harder and faster, some of the people here are people I decided needed the class as they were already naturals from the beginning.

 After they are done with the dance and some practice they walk out of the studio room waving and saying their goodbyes.


 Sighing I dust off the invisible dust on my plaided skirt which stops mid thigh flaring at a bit,the top hugging my chest and it makes my round breast look firmer which I loved, walking towards the speakers I put in a song of my choice and stand in the middle of the large room.


 I designed the dance studio myself and apart from the other rooms and my office this is my favourite place, the large room free of any furniture with only a sofa pushed against one side of the wall,a pole in the middle and a mini fridge in the corner of the room.

 All the sides of the room had glass mirrors showing ones reflection and even the seiling is made of glass.

 With my reflection showing in the four corners of the room and also the ceiling I start dancing my hands holding the pole.

 After dancing and twirling around the pole I feel a hand wrap around mine and and another clasping around my waist.

 A little shocked by the intrusion I keep my eyes closed when my nose becomes familiar with Enzo's familiar expensive cologne.


 ''Enzo''I whisper moving my hips slowly and grinding my backside against the front of his trousers.

 I grin internally when I feel him hardening and his grip on my waist tightens.

 ''Baby''Lorenzo whispers placing a kiss on my earlobe his voice deep and husky with desire.

 his hands start trailing to my hips and soon he grips it slowly grinding against me a groan of pleasure escaping him.

 I open my eyes and turn around wrapping my arms around his neck only to see Enzo's face scrunched up in pleasure.


 His sudden move of pinning my body against the mirror on the other side of the room makes a short laugh escape from my lips.


 ''What was that tease about huh''He asks, his voice rough and deep and I smile when I remember the last image I sent to him with only my face.


 ''Did you like it''I ask putting my palms flat against the mirror as my back faces him.


 ''How about I punish you''He says his hands slowly trailing down to my skirt bunching it around my waist while moving my thong to the side.


 ''Beautiful''He breathes out his breath fanning my neck from how close his face is to mine.


 Easing down his pants I feel his tip lining my opening and with one deep thrust he enters with a groan.


 Sighing at the pleasure I try to grasp onto anything when he starts thrusting in fast deep strokes.


 Throwing my head back in esctasy a loud moan escapes my lips from how good he is making me feel.


I could feel him deep in my womb and by how big he is it causes a slight pain which seeems to intensify my pleasure from each thrust. I felt full from him just being in me.

 ''You like that cara''He asks me his voice husky and a throaty groan escapes his lips and he roughly tugs on me hair.


 Screaming when he increases his pace I move my hips trying to meet his thrust completely unable to utter a word my lips parted.


 ''Answer me Cara''He demands in a rough voice tugging at my hair ''Tell me you like the feel of me buried deep inside your sweet tight cunt''He whispers and if possible I feel more pleasure from his dirty talks.

 ''Yes''I tell him my voice coming out in a moan and he chuckles while placing kisses on the back of my neck.



Hours later

 After our moment in my precious now ruined dance studio we lay on the sofa in my office my body on his.


 My head is placed directly where his heart is beating and the sound calms me down for sometime,I close my eyes tired and slightly sore when the door suddenly opens.

 ''Be-oh you have a visitor''Ethan says before walking into my office clad in a two piece navy blue siut a rolex sitting on his wrist while his hair is gelled back neatly.


 ''Yes I do,didn't I ask you to always knock'' I ask him folding my hands across my vhest and the idiot has the audacity to grin.


 ''Yes but I don't remember saying I will'' he replies cheekily and I almost smile at his words.


 ''Cocky bastard''I tell him trying to stand up from enzo's embrace.


 ''Beautiful siren''he replies smiling and I laugh at his words''Can we talk outside'' Ethan says his voice suddenly serious and I detect the urgency in it.


 ''Enzo''I call out to the man who has his arms wrap around me a glare on his face. 

 ''Let go''I tell him and he doesn't for some seconds till I glare at him.


 Walking outside I listen to what Ethan says and smile athow worried he looks.

 ''I'll deal with it Ethan''I assure him and he nods leaning down to hug me before placing a chaste kiss on my cheeks and walking away.


 Turning I am faced with a fuming enzo and I raise an eyebrow at his espression.


 ''What was that about''He asks the anger present here in his deep husky voice.


 ''What''I ask genuinly confused and a part of me angry that he might have listened to my conversation with ethan.


 ''I don't like sharing cara''he makes his point known and I look at him in the eyes,his grey ones against my blue eyes.


 ''What don't you like sharing''I ask trying to keep the sarcasm away from my voice.


 ''You cara''He says his voice holding power and authority.


 ''You don't own me Lorenzo''I tell him when he suddenly takes long strides towards my frame pulling my body close to his roughly.


 ''I do,I did and I always will''Lorenzo whispers his deep voice husky and thick while his italian accent seem to pop out at that moment.


 Pissed I push at his chest''Listen here Enzo else you want this to end, better don't put a claim on me''I tell him before walking into my office.


 His eyes light up with anger dancing like flames in his beautiful grey orbs,fist clenched tightly at his side his stubble covered jaw ticking in irritation.


 I stand at my desk trying to steady my breathing and avoid saying the wrong words that might hurt him when I feel arms wrap around my waist tightly from behind.


 ''I am sorry baby''Enzo whispers and I roll my eyes at his words.

 The anger was still clear in his voice so I am left wondering why he apologized.