Chapter 37:Finally awake



 Lorenzo's head rests on Serene's hand as he just hangs his head there his shoulders slouched,he remains unmoving and just looks ahead his jaw tense and ticking. 

 He has been a ticking time bomb from the moment she was put in the hospital and just waiting to explode.

 Suddenly he feels a light movement on his hands but he dismisses the thoughts and just puts it as him being paranoid or simply imagining things.

 His eyes turn bloodshot and cold a murderous and killing intent present there in his beautiful grey orbs.

 A chilling aura emitts from the man as he sitson the chair like a king ready to destroy kingdoms for his queen.

 Lorenzo feels the ticklish touch again graze his hands and with disbelief shinning in his eyes he raises his headup only to be met by Serene's blue orbs starring at him and a small smile on her lips.

 ''Cara''Lorenzo breathes out in disbelieve and abruntly stands up from the chair which makes it release a screach.

 The machines and oxygen masks had already been removed from her face with only the beeping monitor there.

 .''Baby''Lorenzo says again in disbelieve and a small laugh escapes his lips,Serene smiles at his expression feeling the urge to laugh but it comes out in coughs.

 Rushing towards the glass of water kept there he walks towards her before raising her body carefully lifting her up before placing the water on her lips.

 Seeing his gentle movements Serene smiles and sips the water slowly before pulling back after some sips.

 ''Enzo''She calls out to the man before running her eyes around his face,her face immediately scrunches up in displeasure at his appearance.

 Facial hair,sunken eyes and cheeks,eye bags ,bloodshot eyes and even his midnight black hair grew longer from not being trimmed. 

 His face pale and missing its usual tan that it has makes her glare at him.

 ''You haven't bee-"ber words of complaint are cut off when Lorenzo suddenly places his lips on hers in a slow passionate kiss.

 His lips gently nibbles her bottom lipx sucking on it before leaving pecks there to sooth the swell.

 Closing their eyes they both get lost in their moment of passion with Lorenzo's arms going to wrap around her waist.

 The door is opened and the person's mouth hangs open''Oh my God''She lets out a shriek which alerts the others and they immediately rush inside to see what happened.

 Serene and Lorenzo's family have been coming to visit ever since the accident,they droped new gifts everyday and prayers for her hoping she wakes up.

 They pull away from each other with Lorenzo's forehead resting on hers while he gazes into her eyes lovingly.

Lorenzo's mom and the others rush into the room all moving towards Serene who just smiles at them.

 They all exchange hugs with her and her mother holds her hand in hers looking into her eyes.

 Camilla lets out a choked sob surprised to see her sister well and awake and she also rushes towards her.

 After everyone greets and finally spend some time with Serene they all leave the room and only Lorenzo remains with Serene and he just sits holding her hand.

 The door to the hospital room suddenly open and shelly walks in clad in a short black dress, the dress hugs her figure showing off her legs and her blonde hair is pulled backwards.

 Surprised to see Lorenzo there she clenches her fists at her side but puts a fake smile on her lips.''I came to visit Serene''She says trying to sound shy and docile.

 Lorenzo just grunts and turns his attention to Serene his grip tightening around her hand.