Chapter 45 :Meet again



 In a dark room of a club five men can be seen sitting around a table a grim expression on their faces as they barely touch the alcohol in front of them.

 With the room being dark and smoke filling the place they can barely see each other.

 ''Things are getting out of hand''A gruff voice says and from the slight trembble in his voice it shows just how terrified the man is.

 ''Some body seems to be on a massacre'' Another says fear evident on their faces even in the dark.

 They had all gotten the message. 



 It is three days to Lorenzo's wedding and so they all decided to go to the club for a little get together though nobody is happy.

 The groom to be seems to be set in a gloomy mood as he sits on the couch in the private room wearing an all black outfit.

 With his head resting back on the chair an empty bottle of vodka is seen in front of him. nobody dared to tell him anything and they all sat around the place leaving the space close to him empty.

 Worried about him,they pass him gazes filled with pity,Giovanni looks at his elder brother's condition and cannot help but wonder why he will not just call off the wedding,kidnap Serene to his island and skillfully make her sign the papers for their marriage.

 Unknown to him Lorenzo has already thought of doing all that but the idea of his Cara hating him made him instantly dismiss that idea as he cannot bear the thoughts of his woman hating him.

 Camilla,Vanessa and Angelica sit close to their men with Giovanni still giving Camilla the cold shoulder.

 Angelica rest her head on Vincenzo's shoulder har hand placed on his thigh with her gaze focused on her elder brother.

 They look towards the door loosing hope and knowing she might not come made them all the more anxious.

 A month ago Serene had disappeared on all of them and apart from hearing from her from the news about her shows or the short film she decided to take part in nobody heard from her.

 They had already decided to have a talk with her and beg her to help the man who loves her so much get rid of the torment she is putting him through.

 The sound of heels draw everyones attention towards the door of the VIP section and they look towards it only to be surprised as Serene enters through the door.

 Her black her curled widely and resting till her back,she is putting on a white dress that hugs her already perfect figure bringing out her curves and her hips,the dress with glittery straps as the hand and a deep V neck outlined with glirtters in silver colours.

 The white six inches heels placed on her feet makes her stand taller,her makeup kept simple and it makes her appear like an angel.

 A siren who is out to conquer the hearts of men and make them bow at her feet at the mere sight of her. 

 Serene smiles at everyone in the room holding her silver coloured bag before struting inside.

 With the look of astonishment still on their faces they all get up to hug her with the exception of Lorenzo who remains in his position.

 ''Serene''Camilla calls out and tightens her arms around her elder sister who chuckles.

 ''Mimi,how are you''Serene asks her and without waiting for her answer walks to sit on the only empty seat available which is beside Lorenzo.

 The man doesn't move an inch and even if he heard her voice or felt her presence he didn't behave so.

 They sit back down and start thundering Serene with questions and Vincenzo glares at her which silently means they needed to talk later.

 She nods at him and turns to her best friend Vanessa whose eyes hold anger but Serene can see her controlling it and she smiles patting Vanessa's hand.

 A silent gesture to let her know she will tell her everything.

 They continue talking amogst themselves and soon everybody starts excusing themselves to go dance.

 Camilla also stands up and soon only Serene and Lorenzo are left in the small private room.

 They sit in the silence for sometime with Serene just sipping the glass of wine she ordered when she suddenly feels a hand on her leg and she almost spills her drink at being startled.

 ''Enzo''Serene groans and tries to stop his hand only for his hand to return and this time it caresses her leg gentlyasif scared it will break.

 She feels a tremble in her heart at his action and gives up trying to push him away.

 Soon she feels his hot breath on her neck mixed with the heavy smell of alcohol as he starts leaving small trails of kisses up her neck.