Chapter 47 :Sorrow



 Time seems to go slow as my eyes widen and move down to look at my hand and white dress a red patch now forming on it.

 The tears from earlirr which had stopped now came at a full force as I try to control the scream fron tearing out of my lips.

 Pain,pure pain fills me up and my chest suddenly feels to tight to breath,I can hear them calling my nane as the others rush outside probably after hearing the sound of the gunshot.

 I don't pay any of them any attention as I bring out the gun strapped in my thigh and aim straight killing the second person who is with the assasin who shot the bullet.

 Focus,that is what I keep repeating as I hold Camilla's body close to mine the weight causing us both to almost land on the cold ground but a hand stops us from falling.

 I look into her eyes only to see them lifeless and void of any emotions as they start closing a small smile on her lips.

 She had taken the bullet for me and that is what pains me,the moment she suddenly turned me I knew something was wrong and the gunshots confirmed my thoughts.

 I look down at my hands which are soaked by her blood but I refuse to move and continue holding her to my body.

 The others step forward and I don't know how or what happened but the next moment I find myself in a car craddled against somebody's chest and from the cologne I can tell it is Lorenzo.

 'She has to live'I kept releating over and over again as memories start hitting me like a train and also my mind turned to a broken record.

 I remember when we were little and how I'd always protect her from anything and anyone.

 Today she chose to do something so stupid and take that damn bullet for me.

 I sit there cold and unmoving and soon the car stops in front of the hospital.

 Stepping out with the help of Lorenzo who has his arm wrapped around me tightly to prevent me from falling or breaking down.

 I raise my head up to look at the man and the tenderness in his grey orbs make me hate myself more. 

 The nurses and doctors rush out when we arrive collecting Camilla from Giovanni before rushing her to the emergency ward.

 I start pacing my heart thumping loudly as a very familiar feeling hit me.

 I did not want to loose Camilla and I would not forgive myself if anything happens to her.

 ''Come sit''Lorenzo says helping me sit on the chair outside while the others sit on another present here silence is all that can be heard.

 ''She'll be fine Rene''Enzo whispers and tears start falling from my eyes at the mention of my sister.

''Wh-why''I stutter''Why do I always hurt those that love me and care for me huh,first it was her then you and now my sister Camilla'' I sob trying to control myself from screaming from the pure pain and agony I am feeling inside.

 ''Who is 'her' Cara''Lorenzo ask and I instantly freeze realising I said something I shouldn't have said.

 Shaking my head at his question I push my body away from his shivering as his warmth leaves my body.

 He is about to say something when his phone suddenly rings and he answers not saying much except ok before hanging up the call.

 ''They caught the other assasin''Lorenzo informs me and at his words my eyes darken before I stand up from my chair.

 ''Let's go''I tell him my voice hard and filled with determination.

 He stands up wrapping his fingers around mine and I nod at the others looking at Vince who has his head between his arms I pat his shoulder before walking out with Lorenzo giddiness spreading over me at the thought of hurting the fucker who hurt my sister.