Battle Royale

The sound of cheers from all over resounded in Lance's ears as he watched in awe. The Colosseum was massive and so elegantly made. The audience too was spectacular, people of different backgrounds had come to watch. This was probably why the city looked so desolate when they arrived.

" The turn out of the fire and ice academy participants is quite high. Looks like we'll have a very entertaining battle, huh?"

"Not so sure about that, these guys look like hoodlums. I wonder how they made it past the talent screening phase."

Up in the VIP section, a few elders discussed the matters of the competition. Down there, there would be a future member of the academy's or their future enemies. They had to size them up now.

"The AI Spirit malfunctioned?"

Around a particular area of the VIP section where a banner with an ice snake and dragon coiled around each other stood, A lady with glasses on frowned.