Looking Down on you

"Congratulations to everyone, you all did great. Some more than others, but generally, you were all great."

The organizer spoke with much delight. Down on the platform, there was a line of about 20 young men and women. These were the chosen for this year's competition. They had struggled and fought for their place here, and as such they were granted the honor of joining an academy.

" I won't do dwindle too much on the formalities, you all know why you're here, so I'll let the academies take it from here."

The organizer, was a middle-aged man with a scar over his eye. On his face was a sly smile of satisfaction. He had made massive profits this time, because of several unexpected battle results. As such, he was pleased.

"From left to right, step forward and announce which academy you'd like to join then we will deliberate"

The announcer gave instructions and not even a second later, a young man stepped forward.

"I am kaz.... I would like to join…."