The house

The memories flowed in her head as she looked outside the window as she held her tears.

Arella's POV

If one day I see christopher reginald,I will kill him.

How dare him.

The day my sister was buried,I read her diary to see a clue why she would do that, without caring about me.

She had a happy life and a handsome lover, christopher reginald.

I wasn't sure why he didn't come for the burial,I tried calling him but it was to no avail.

Maybe he's not in the country,I said to myself.

What I read in the diary caused me pain.

It started with happy memories and funny secrets,but the ending was absolutely different.

She was dating christopher reginald.

I really thought christopher reginald was a true gentleman.

Even though he never visited at home,I met him on few occasions with Rachel.

He looked too good to be true,that I wished I will marry someone like him.

christopher,if you marry my sis,I'll like to sign up for second wife,I onced teased and they laughed.

You should be focusing on your studies,my sister said,poking my head with a pen.

It turned out that the good mister christopher was getting married to a rich lady. And rachael was already carrying a child.

He told her to get rid of it or die. She also wrote that,he once tried to kill her,but she narrowly escaped.

She went for the wedding and the next day was the last chapter of rachael's life.

Sam dropped her at the house and left. It was a four hours drive from crane state to sandri state. They left in the morning and arrived in the afternoon.

She stared at the building in front of her,sighed and brought out a bunch of keys from her purse.

She opened the door silently and looked around.

"It's been years",she said to herself.

She coughed.

The place was stuffy as cobwebs were everywhere,the furnitures were dusty .

She looked around as a memory of the house 16 years ago flashed through her eyes.

It was as if a lightning struck through her heart.

She placed her hand on her chest and clenched it as her eyes started turning teary.

She carried her luggages to the room she onced shared with Alex.

She looked at the bed and imagined herself giggling with Alex lying next together as his hands ran through her hair.

She traced her hands on the bed as she remembered the happy moments.

She sniffed and laughed lightly as a tear rolled down her cheek.

She immediately changed her clothes and covered her head with a fabric.

She looked around and picked some cleaning equipments, cleaning inch and every corner of the house.

In less than three hours she was done.

She let out a heavy sigh, exhausted,she slumped down on the bed.

She puts her two hands behind her head,with one of her leg up in a triangular form while the other lay straight on the bed.

*******************16 years ago*****

"C'mon Alexis come to mummy" ,arella said spreading her hands.

The three,Alex,arella and the child were all sitting on the bed.

"No,no come to papa" ,Alex said giggling.

She called her son alexis but Alex chose another name. She said if it would be a girl she will call her alexis, unfortunately it was a boy.

The baby giggled and made baby sounds.

The baby crawled to Alex.

Arella folds her hands and pouted,"Is that so little mister" .

"You chose your dad over me, am gonna cry,Boohbooh" ,she said as she jokingly rubbed her eyes.

The baby giggled and played with the sheets on the bed.

Alex laughed,"look mummy is frowning" .

Alex pinched arella cheeks lightly and smiled.

His name isn't alexis,it's...


She laughed as she remembered this.

She stood up and took off her clothes.

She entered the bathroom,where she filled the bathtub with warm water.

She loosened her hair,which fell off immediately and graciously.

She dipped her leg into the bathtub one after the other and sank in the bathtub.

She closed her eyes revealing her beautiful eyelashes and other face features,she looked like a sleeping angel.


She opened her eyes,it was more than fifteen years ago. Alex walked into the bathroom.

"What...what are you doing here" ,she said shyly.

He curved a smile,"what do you think?" .

She used her two hands to cover her chest,"I don't know',she said shyly.

He looked at her as her hands went to her chest and smirked, "am gonna help you wash your hair today" .

He walked to wear her head was placed as he brought the shampoo and conditioner.

"Here we go" ,he sang as he pour the shampoo on her head.

She carried one of her leg up as she splashed water on Alex and giggled.


Arella could still feel the feeling she felt then,but she opened her eyes and Alex wasn't there.

She began to cry silently as she pour the shampoo on her head, slowly.