Not as it seems 2


Brian entered Jack's class and puts his hand around him,"Let's go J. J" .

"Wait!, where are you taking him to" , tommy said as he held brian's hand.

Brian looked at tommy's hand," you got guts kid" , he said and scoffed.

I'll be back, no worries",jack said reassuring tom.

"Is it Aiden?", Tomasked worriedly.

"Yes, but I'll be back tommy" .

"What!?, But_".

Brian cuts in, "save your questions for later, okay" .

Then he left with Jack.


Benita saw brian taking jack to the rooftop and ran to meet kate and grace who were in the field.

Kate saw benita running towards her direction, "anytime she runs like that, I just know it has something to do with the four".

Grace folds her hands, "I know'.

Benita finally reached them, panting and holding her knees.

"My eyes saw it" , still panting and holding her chest.

"Saw what,?" , Kate said wide-eyed.

It's jack, I saw him with my own eyes with Brian.

Grace still folding her arms laughed lightly,"Seriously, are they gonna beat him up?" .

'My goodness gracie, you know how Aiden is' , benita sighed.

Grace sunk her hands in her blazer pockets and rested on the wall and sucks teeth," what if Aiden really let this one go" .

'Then am ready to become a monk" ,benita said.

Kate laughed hysterically, "oh benny , am imagining you without your hair right now, you're gonna have undeniable beauty".

"Don't worry benny, I'll also become a monk",kate said as she pats her head.

Grace shook her head and covered her face with her palm, "oh I can't wait to have two monk friends".

**************At the rooftop********

Alaric stretched his hand to tommy,"Hey!, Wazzup kiddo" .

"Hello seniors" , waving his hands.

Brian whispered to Aiden, "He looks so dumb",brian chuckled.

Brian and Aiden laughed slightly.

Alaric looked at brian and Aiden,"What are these two talking about,So J. J, you can be free with us and you don't need to call Aiden your senior, okay".

Aiden looked at Alaric, "what?".

Alaric clicks tongue, "is not like you call anyone senior" .

"Yeah because I don't have to do that', aiden said immediately.

"And hey J. J, Aiden is 15" ,alaric said with a grin.

"Alaric!" , Aiden yelled.

"What what what", Alaric laughed, move closed to Aiden and pats his head.

"Stop! ",He yelled as he removed his hand from his head. "You know I hate that and I also hate it when people know my age, and now the kid is gonna tell everyone my age".

He was really pissed off about it.

Some students came to the rooftop just waiting to watch what will happen to jack.

Brion who was silent, sighted a boy named kel, coming with KFC in his hand.

Aiden smiled,"Looks like my order has arrived" .

"You ordered KFC", brion asked.

"You want some?",Aiden asked.

"No ", brion replied as he felt uncomfortable.

"It's for you" , Aiden said as he gave it to jack.

Jack was surprised and looked at Aiden, "For me?".

Aiden nodded his head and smirked.

"But why"

"It's what we do, jack" alaric said with a grin.

Brian sucks teeth,"ha ,am so jealous you've never ordered KFC for me,oh my poor heart".

Alaric laughed.

"I feel uneasy about this" ,brion mumbled


Aiden scoffed,turned, walks to him,and lowered his voice,"Tell me brion,why do you feel uneasy about this?".

"I wasn't talking to you Aiden",brion said

Aiden placed his hand on brion's cheek, "it better be that".

Brion frowned"But since you want to know Aiden,Why are you giving this to him".

Brion looked at Jack,"are you happy collecting this from your enemy?".

Aiden closed his eyes,heaved a sigh and still kept his voice low,"brion my good friend,you!,are the only enemy here and you don't realize it.Do you think I did something to it, common brion, c'mon!.Am not in the mood for your nonsense,but I'll take a bite of what I ordered,so to make you feel good".

Aiden collected a part of the chicken and ate it.

Alaric turned to jack,"don't worry J.J this is what friends do, okay".He turned to Brian and whispered to him,"your twin is at it again, should we do something to him?".

Brian sighed,"not now",he said as frowned.

Aiden glared at brion like he was going to beat him up at the moment.

Alaric could see that the situation wasn't good,he turned and looked at Jack,"you can go now" .

There were chatters and some students minutes.Some people were saying,

"Can't believe this,I thought I was going to see something interesting.

"Oh he's lucky" ,a person said.

"Does that freeloader thinks he's free?",another said.

"So are they friends?,am confused",another said.

"I think is because of the issue last time,when someone filmed them beat someone up,I wonder who it is".

Benita looked at kate,"do you think he won't do anything to him,am confused and dismayed".

Grace folds her hands,looking at Aiden,"I think something ultimate is coming" .

"What do you mean",bernita asked.

"Aiden is surely planning something. friends.kate,benny let's have lunch now".

The students left the rooftop leaving only the four.

"Let's go" ,Alaric said.

As they were about to pass through the door to go downstairs,Aiden closed it.

"Whats wrong" , Alaric asked.

Aiden clenched his fists,closed his ryes,tilts his head left to right,inhaled and exhaled , spoke in a low voice and opened his eyes slowly,"I tried" .

He turned back and immediately punched brion.

Brian fell to the ground and groaned in pain.He looked at Brian and Alaric who was just looking at him.

Brian exhales,"is not like I haven't told you to keep shut, lucky I wasn't the one who did that",looking at brion". "I think we can go now"

Brion yelled,"You!Aiden! how dare you!.

You know who you just hit right?!",brion yelled.

Aiden laughed like a mad man,then seized his laughter and looked at brian,"you know very well I could do more,as I please,and yes I know who I just hit".

Brion jackson!,the amazing weakling son ",he chuckled.