Chapter 4 [Anger]

Zayn sneaked out of the house immediately shifting as he stepped out. He ran into the woods with so much speed, his wolf had taken over. His wolf's eyes glowed brightly reflecting the moonlight as he followed the sound of human voices, probably people hiking at night. He smirked, bolting towards a girl in her twenties, roughly dragging his claws along her back. She shrieked in pain. The Man with her sighted him and ran away. Zayn bit her shoulder hard enough to draw blood and a chunk of flesh, he pulled away quickly running off leaving her behind screaming in anguish. He chased after the screaming man only to catch him with three steps. Once caught, he dragged the guy and pinned him against a tree.

Zayn's face was mere inches away from the man's torso, the man's heartbeat pounding loudly and fast. He bared his sharp canines and snarled threateningly at the terrified man. He watched as sweat trickled down the man's forehead.

The man's heart rate slowed as his breath grew ragged. His eyes closed and the man's mouth hung open in terror. Before he could even process what was happening Zayn's fangs penetrated his soft flesh and ripped out part of it. Blood gushed out of the gaping wound dripping onto the floor.

The Man thrashed around trying to shake Zayn off of him, he tried clawing at Zayn's skin but Zayn's fur-covered arms kept him firmly pinned to the trunk of the tree. Zayn licked the man's neck before biting him again. He growled and snarled. After taking the man apart, he dropped the man's dead body and ran off. Bullets shot at him, grazing him along his side, leg, and arm, but thankfully none touched him. "Fire!" A woman yelled and Zayn knew he had to run out of that area.

"How did he know?" Kai whispered pacing her room.

"I don't know, and why would he attack you for it? Heck he almost kills you"

"I'm so scared of going to school now" Kai shivered remembering how terrifying Zayn was.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you" Diana reassured, holding her tightly.

"I should go, my mum would rip off my head if I don't return today," Diana said softly.

"Okay be safe" Kai smiled softly at her best friend.