Chapter 41 [What is she]

"So everything was a lie!" Faye confirms to herself more than a question. She feels tears prick at her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Justin whispers, looking down at his feet. He looks as ashamed as she feels for letting herself be deceived by Justin's charms and sweet words.

"It's fine, it's not like anything serious was going on between us right?" Faye attempts at an easy laugh that falls flat. She doesn't need Justin to feel any guilt about what happened because nothing big had happened between them. But it didn't mean she wasn't hurt.

"I'm really sorry Faye, for using you to get information, for manipulating you," Justin sighs, looking up at her. Her eyes are glossy with unshed tears but she forces a smile, nodding her head to show Justin that she was okay.

"If there is any way I can make this right-"