It looks as if he jumped off the bed, and collapsed in the middle of the hotel room floor. The police are called. The police perform a visual inspection of the man. They find a bruise on his cheek, and a cigar in his left hand, but they don't see a way for him to have died so suddenly so they send him along to the morgue. The coroner does a proper inspection, and discovers a small cut next to the man's balls, but otherwise there is no real sign of how he died so the coroner opens him up. Then he finds that the man's organs look as if they've exploded. 

He determines that there was no way that this happened naturally, and he tells the police that so the police start asking questions. First they ask his hotel neighbors, and they know nothing. Then they ask the hotel. The hotel does tell them of an unusual power outage, and the police talk to the wife. They find out that the man died sometime after the power went out, but before he noticed the power outage had kicked off the AC. 

Months go by, and the police can't figure out how the man died let alone who did it to him so the wife seeing their getting nowhere decides to hire a private eye. The private eye is a former police officer known for his out of the box way of thinking. He gets the police file. Talks to the wife. Talks to the coroner, and then just a few short days later he calls the head detective claiming that he's solved the case. 

The head detective doesn't believe him, and the private eye goes, no really. I solved the case. I can show you what happened, but first we have to go back to the hotel room. The detective isn't getting anywhere anyways so he goes, why not? He can tell me his theory, and if he's off his rocker then I can get back to my investigation. Maybe he'll even give me a few ideas. 

If he's right then I have one less case to worry about so the detective, and the private eye go back to the hotel room. The private eye set the scene. The husband is laying in bed relaxing, and the power goes out. Around the time the power went out something catastrophic happens to the husband that prompts him to put his cigar in his off hand, and jump out of bed. Something so bad that he died almost as soon as he got out of bed. 

The detective nods. Thinking to himself that this was what he figured out already on his own. Then the private eye continues. Walking over to the door where there is a hole in the wall about the height of a doorknob. Then the private eye shows the detective that the hole near the door does not line up with the doorknob like the detective thought it did. 

Now the detective is wondering what put the hole in the wall if it wasn't the doorknob. The private eye takes him over to the neighboring hotel room. Feeling along the wall between the two rooms. Then he seems to find what he was looking for. He pulls his hand away from the wall, and then sticks his finger right into the wall. 

The spot where he stuck his finger in wasn't wall. It was a spackled over hole that lined up with the hole that went into the husbands hotel room. The private eye, and the detective both realize they can see the husband's bed from this hole in the wall. The private eye then announces that the husband was shot, and the people in the neighboring room were at fault. The bullet passed through the husband's skin next to his balls only leaving behind a small cut as evidence of the bullets passing. 

Destroying all of his organs as it went upward through his body as he lay in bed. The husband realizing that something was terribly wrong, moved his cigar to his left hand so he could open the door with his right as he jumped out of bed, and then he died before he could go any further. The two men next door had gotten incredibly drunk the night the husband died, and one decided to show off his new gun to the other man in the hotel room. When the power went out they were frightened, and the gun was dropped. The gun went off when it landed, and the husband in the next room over was shot. 

Dying before he could cry out. The men didn't find out they'd killed anyone until the next day. They hid the evidence, and pretended nothing happened. Going about their normal lives, and lying to the police when they were asked about that night. Once the police found out what the men had done they were both arrested, and each one was given a twenty plus year prison sentence for gross negligence, and manslaughter. 

It was one of my favorite stories. I didn't know if it was the randomness of it all or how the story was told, but I loved every minute of it. I turned off my podcasts now that I was within ten minutes of my destination, and started looking for parking. There was more parking then I'd ever seen in Seattle before. I decided to park in the hotel where the recruitment drive was being held. 

I'd never dreamed of staying in such a fancy hotel, and the parking ticket in my hand told me I'd be charged if I stayed her longer then a few hours. I rushed toward the hotel. My poor sense of direction had me looking down at maps every few seconds to make sure I was heading the right direction. I overheard a few excited otaku types, and decided to follow them since we were going the same general direction. They were excitedly talking about their new classes, and abilities.