Dad. I failed you.

Although the bodyguards could not comprehend the situation, they did not dare to defy Qin Yao's order. They immediately left to pursue Jin Beiyu.

At that moment, Jin Beiyu was trudging on the sideway of the main street aimlessly, looking despaired.

He had no idea where he should head to.

" Dad, I have failed you. " Jin Beiyu lamented as he recalled the man from his dream.

Suddenly, a Bentley accelerated in Jin Beiyu's direction and came to a stop before him.

Before he knew it, he noticed five bodyguards getting out of the car.

" Stop right there! " The bodyguards blocked Jin Beiyu's way.

" Miss Yao has ordered you to come back with us! " they clarified while remaining expressionless.

Jin Beiyu no thought about anything right now, after all. So he said, " It's okay. I'll follow you back. "

With that, Jin Beiyu got into the car obediently.

Everyone remained silent along the journey.

After some time, they arrived at hospital, a burly bodyguard grabbed Jin Beiyu's arm and dragged him before Qin Yao.

" Miss, we've detained him as per your order! " The bodyguard pushed Jin Beiyu towards Qin Yao.

Upon seeing that, she furrowed her brows.

Getting to her feet slowly, she walked towards the bodyguard.

" Who asked you to treat him like this? " Qin Yao questioned in a sharp tone.

At once, the bodyguard was in a dazed state and stammered, " I... Um... "

" Apologize to Mr. Jin right now. " Qin Yao commanded.

" Miss, I... I... " The bodyguard was taken aback, stammering.

" Don't make me repeat myself! " Qin Yao chided before the bodyguard could finish his sentence.

The bodyguard's face was red up to his ears.

He was incredibly reluctant to apologize to a dork like Jin Beiyu.

However, none of them dared to go against Qin Yao's command. So he bit the bullet and bowed his head.

" I - I'm sorry, Mr. Jin. " The bodyguard remained in that position and did not dare to raise his head.

Jin Beiyu remarked with murderous tone, " It's alright, Miss Yao. It's no big deal. Please let bygones be bygones. " but not in his mind he already what to do with bodyguard.

Qin Yao nodded and ordered, " Leave the both of us alone. "

Upon hearing that, the others got out of the room hastily.

Qin Yao opened a bottle of red wine, poured Jin Beiyu a glass, and commented, " I really did not expect you to have medical skills. "

Jin Beiyu was dumbfounded. Surprised, he queried in elation, " Miss Yap, does that mean... You are fully recovered? "

" Well, yeah. " Qin Yao answered in slight confusion.

" That's great! " A seed of hope sprouted amid Jin Beiyu's despair.

" Looks like it was real after all!, I am gonna meet you, Dad. " he thought.

" Well, I've checked your background. So, I'm curious as to why would a person of your medical skills led such an unimpressive life." Qin Yao uttered whimsically.

Upon hearing that, Jin Beiyu let out a sigh.

" Miss Yao, I don't think I need to explain this to you. " Jin Beiyu stated with a calm face.

Still, there was no way Jin Beiyu could tell her that he had gained all his medical skills and knowledge in a dream. Should he utter such words, she would think he was out of his mind. He didn't reveal everything to her, she didn't his relatives, so why did he tell her that any or everything.

Nevertheless, it's seemed Jin Beiyu to be a humble person in Qin Yao's opinion. Thus, his reaction only added to her good impression of him.

" No chance to display your prowess? " Qin Yao asked in jest.

After chuckling, Jin Beiyu remained placid.

" Alright. Let me know what I can do to return the favor? Name your price. Or is there anything else that you want? " Qin Yao questioned teasingly. Her words were equivocal.

Jin Beiyu waved his hand and rejected. " No, Miss Yao. I don't need anything. " and he didn't have anything short to ask anyone.

" Are you sure you don't want anything? " Qin Yao asked with a faint smile.

" You know, I can fulfill whatever request that you may have. You just have to say it. " Qin Yao looked a little expectant.

Jin Beiyu shook his head and answered, " I really don't need anything. Thanks for your offer. "

After hearing Jin Beiyu's words, a hint of gaiety flashed in Qin Yao's eyes.

Jin Beiyu seemed to be a kind-hearted and genuine person at the very least.

Jin Beiyu's phone rang all of a sudden.

His expression turned glum upon seeing the caller ID on the screen because the person who called him was Su Jing.

Jin Beiyu grabbed his phone and went to the side to pick up the call.

As soon as he pressed the answer button, Su Jing could be heard saying in a harsh tone, " Are you dead? If not, get your *ss back here right now! "

Jin Beiyu was gritting his teeth, he riposted, " What the f*ck you want. "

Su Jing on the other end shouted angrily at him for his words.

" Jin Beiyu, I'm want you to come back to sign this f*cking divorce papers. " Su Jing sneered.

He calmly said. " Don't worry, I won't bother you! But I'm telling you, you'll definitely regret this! "

" Heh, the thing I regret the most is marrying a loser like you. " Su Ying sneered.

Then, she hung up the phone.

" What's wrong? " Qin Yao asked with a smile as she took a sip of red wine.

Jin Beiyu shook his head and said, " Miss Yao, I need to go home. There's something I have to deal with. "

Qin Yao blinked and asked. " Divorce? "

Jin Beiyu was little surprised and asked, " How did you know? "

" I guessed. " Qin Yao casually replied.

" I'll go with you. " Qin Yao stood up and offered.

" No need for that. " Jin Beiyu waved his hands.

Qin Yao persistently replied, " I'll go with you. Don't make a fuss. " And he wondered when did he make fuss.

Any way, with no other choice, Jin Beiyu followed Qin Yao out of the hospital.

As soon as they stepped out, Qin Yao's secretary approached her.

He whispered into Qin Yao's ear, " Miss Qin, the Hoang Province governor and the chief of the Churou Battle Zone have arrived and invited you to a dinner. "

Hearing this, Qin Yao couldn't help but feel a headache coming on.

She rubbed her pale forehead and muttered, " What a bother. Tell them to wait a bit. I'll be there later. "

" Yes, Miss. " the secretary nodded in response.

Afterward, Qin Yao drove up to Jin Beiyu.

" Get in. " Qin Yao beckoned with her hand.

Jin Beiyu got into the car.

Soon, Qin Yao arrived at the Su family's entrance.

" Miss Yao, I'm home. Thank you for this. " Jin Beiyu got out of the car and said.

Then Qin Yao also got out of the car.

She flicked her hair back and smiled " I'll come in with you. "

" Huh? " Jin Beiyu was little taken aback. And he thought what happened to this woman.

Qin Yao smiled. " I want to see what your family is like. "