
In a cell full of dead human skulls and weird animal skeletons, Bernard stood lifeless on his feet, with his head hanging low; his hands tie up against the wall with an iron chain. He breathed out tiredly and slowly open his eyes.

He let out a painful grunt on feeling a sharp pain on the back of his head, then, he shake his head and then rise it to see the place he is.

He let out a deep sigh then, try to bring his hand down but he felt something hard holding it at a place. He rise his eyes to see his hand chained against the wall, this got him angry and he begin to force it down, trying to break it.

"The more you try, the harder it becomes." Came a calm but mocking voice.

He turn to his side to see a creepy old man chained along side with him. He wore a dirty rag, his long white hair look messy and dirty along with his beard making him look like a wild animal.