
"You want us to prepare a feast for him?" Horace asked looking surprised.

"Yes, he's our grandpa, of course we should make his staying here, memorable," she added and he nodded approvingly.

"Just as I thought! You're indeed amazing princess!" Kai praised.

"I'm not surprised, you've finally chose to improve other than being scared and timid as you use to be." Alicia said nonchalantly.

"How thoughtful of you Ariel, you're indeed gonna make a good Luna," Tiasses said while smiling.

"Thanks so much." She thanked wholeheartedly.

"That's also a very good idea! Alpha, please permit me to leave," butler Chun said as he stood up from his seat.

"You're going to bed so early?" Ariel asked.

"You know the saying milady, early to bed early to rise, so I need to wake up early and prepare," he said.