Chapter 83

{Why did you end it now? It was starting to get interesting!} Greed fumed.

"I'm exhausted," Klaus replied, panting heavily.

{More importantly, how did you modify my swordsmanship technique?} Greed sounded a bit impressed despite himself.

"Well, you can't really call it a modification. I just applied about 10% of the original technique to suit my body's condition."

{10%? Ha! That was barely 3% of the original power.}

"Perhaps," Klaus conceded.

Rick looked pale and shaken. 'To think his sword technique could match the 12th Crown. Just where in the world did he learn such a terrifying technique?' he wondered.

'Now that I think about it, Ludovic also used a very violent sword technique back in the day. Did he perhaps learn it from him? Ludovic was a genius; creating such a technique could be possible for him. Hmm, what a shame,' Rick thought, contemplating Ludovic's current condition.