Chapter 305

Thinking of Tracy and Brad's attitude just now, Joseph couldn't help clenching his fists, especially Brad. Due to the positive competitive relationship between Brad and Hugo, Joseph was also very sensitive to this. Rad looks like he is holding the winning ticket, really..." Joseph didn't say the following words, but began to gritted his teeth, and he could even hear the sound of bones squirming.

"Hugo, if it really is Schindler's list... what should I do?" Joseph recalled the difficulties he faced in the past month or so, although he has worked very hard and made great progress, so that Hugo can get it." The dividend of "Seattle Sleepless" is the best proof, but Joseph knows that if Tracy relies on "Schindler's list" to succeed, then the resistance facing Hugo may increase exponentially.

Hugo's worries should logically be a bit more serious than Joseph's, because he knew very well the tremendous influence brought by "Schindler's List", and Steven Spielberg was in the eighth place. The influence of the 10s and 90s is not to be underestimated. As a producer, Tracey can obviously borrow more.

But Hugo has a sense of ease inexplicably, perhaps because he knows the arduousness of the difficulties. After breaking through a critical point, he doesn't worry about it. It's like "not biting lice if you have more debts". Of course, this may not be accurate, but Hugo really thinks this way. Since Tracey's opposition can no longer be avoided, then he will face the difficulties and face the difficulties, just as if they were facing the confrontation just now. , A fight with Tracey Bo

"What should we do? Think about what we have for dinner?" A joke made by Hugo made Joseph roll his eyes, causing Hugo to laugh. "Joe, you are impulsive. If you worry about this level, you can definitely lose weight."

"I have lost weight" Joseph stared immediately, but he was defeated in Hugo's playful sight, "Although it is only six pounds (less than three kilograms)..."

"That's because you didn't eat dinner." Hugo's complaint made Joseph a black line, but there is no way to refute it. He can only look depressed. Hugo knows that Joseph is also worried about himself, so he did not continue to joke, but Simply say, "I know you are worried, but many times, worry not only can't solve the problem, but it can also make it worse, doesn't it?"

Regarding this point, everyone knows the truth, but it is not so easy to do it. Hugo also gradually learned this truth after experiencing the Golden Globe event.

"Actually, you are going to beat Brad. It is not difficult. It is even easier to punch Tracy twice. I believe her counterattack cannot hurt anyone." Hugo's blunt words told Joseph. With a helpless smile, Joseph also calmed down. He understood what Hugo meant and lightly tapped his chin.

This is a society under the rule of law. It is against the law to hit people at will, and to kill people is to be sentenced. So **** to 'flesh' may be very effusive, but this is a strategy of killing one thousand and harming one's own body. What's more, the confrontation between Tracy and Hugo is not at all the suffering of the skin of the body, but more of a confrontation between the spirit and the gods. Therefore, if you really want to fight Tracy, you must solve the problem from the essence.

So, what is the essence of Tracy and Hugo's confrontation?

"Have you ever thought about why Tracy always wants to be a member of Schindler's list?" Hugo has a lot of thoughts in his mind, he needs to speak up and discuss it with Joseph, and then organize the whole situation Smooth, "Actually, this movie is not favored by the industry, is it? Several big directors think that there is no way to shoot this work well. The script has been changed four times, and there is no definite news yet, let alone Talking about the actors." At this point, Hugo paused, "Of course, judging from Brad's situation today, maybe the actors are starting to be selected."

Joseph groaned slightly, "I know what you mean." "Schindler's list" is currently in the eyes of people in the industry. It is actually a five-to-five-point proposal, and even the possibility of failure is "sexual". It's higher. This is also the root reason why Steven Spielberg hasn't made a name after ten years of tossing. The themes of World War II, Nazis, and Jews are too heavy and profound, and they want to really take pictures. It's not that easy.

Therefore, "Schindler's List" is a veritable hot potato. So what is the reason why Tracey is willing to take the initiative to move forward? If it is said that Steven can be successful in shooting this story, this must be one of the reasons, but it is not enough. So, the answer came out very quickly.

"Tracy is to build a network," Joseph said, "Steven is so important to this script. It took ten years to produce it with great effort. If Tracy can make a contribution and get Stie Wen's gratitude couldn't be more normal." The answer came out naturally.

Hugo was a little stunned. He hadn't thought of this part yet, but Joseph was right. Hugo couldn't help but nodded, "You're right. Actually, I meant to say that Tracy might have seen this script. The possibility of success is like being in a Las Vegas casino. Tracy believes that the story of the Jewish World War II meeting Spielberg, the most famous Jewish director at present, can produce a successful chemical reaction, so she decided to The bet, and almost all the bet is suppressed."

If Hugo didn't guess wrong, Tracy has been actively planning since February last year. "Schindler's List" is also the project that she has put in the most'extensive' effort. Naturally, this bet is very significant.

Joseph and Hugo have different perspectives on the issue due to their different positions, but he is in the position of an agent, and his overall view is indeed more experienced than Hugo, so he quickly reacted, "You mean , Tracy is like copying Steven relying on the great white shark, the road to fame in one fell swoop?"

Hugo nodded in agreement, and Joseph couldn't help thinking.

In fact, Hugo's idea is very reasonable. In the entertainment industry, contacts, qualifications, talents, appearance, rules, etc. are all conditions for success, but in fact, they can be summed up in one word, that is, "works." The production of "color" is the foundation for everyone to take root. Actors, directors, screenwriters, producers, and agents are all like this. Regardless of their own conditions, they can only participate in the production of "color" works. I once again proved myself that I was gradually accepted and liked by the audience by professionals. With the increase in popularity, the power will become more and more powerful.

In this process, the so-called contacts, qualifications, or own conditions, opportunities, etc., are all based on the work. There are countless things like Steven's reliance on the "Great White Shark" to land on the front line in an instant. No contacts will automatically generate contacts. Without qualifications, they will accumulate qualifications. Without their own internal conditions, they will become insignificant.

In fact, Hugo is no stranger to this experience. The success of "Death Poetry Society" brought a series of films and the premiere opportunity of the "last premiere", and the performance of "Scent of the Fragrance of the "Female" People" brought the opportunity of "Yihai Heroes" , And the conscientious work of "Yihai Xiongfeng" has built a bridge to "Seattle Sleepless". After the success of "Scenting the Fragrance and Knowing Women" and "Yihai Xiongfeng", Hugo's rise in the status of Hollywood is even more obvious.

Therefore, the work is the fundamental. Why Tracy is so eager for "Schindler's List" is because of this, once this work is successful, all problems will be solved.

"Then according to what you said, the success of the work is the way to fight Tracy?" Joseph's brows were still unresolved, Hugo nodded, and said "It's the basics", Joseph shook his head, "But now It seems very difficult for us to get auditions."

"But we got it. Seattle stays up at night, ah." Hugo didn't lose confidence. "We all know that Tracy can't take care of the corners. She doesn't have that much power, even Spielberg. Nor does it have this ability. So, what we need to do is to tirelessly look for opportunities, wait for the next opportunity to appear, and then seize the opportunity to achieve a turnaround."

Hugo immediately felt that his thinking became clear. In fact, this is the same reason that he was in the "Yihai Xiongfeng" crew. In the entertainment circle, works and strength are the last word. After having excellent works and outstanding strength, Only with the right to speak, can we seek the next step of development.

"How do we confirm that every opportunity is a real opportunity, not another. Hudson's Eagle." Joseph let out a long sigh of relief. After understanding what Hugo meant, his thinking became clear. But still hesitated.

Hugo once again'showed' a confident smile that made Joseph feel at ease, "Joe, this is how we grew up. You and I have to learn how to identify the pros and cons of scripts, even as the CEO of Hollywood's top film company. Or top producers, they can't be sure that every work will succeed, so why should we be so strict about ourselves?"

"Because we don't have much room to retreat?" Joseph curled his lips.

Hugo couldn't help I know what you mean, so what we need is not impulse or fear, but focus, keep learning, keep working hard, learn to judge every script with the right vision, and then slow down Slowly'groped' to figure out my actor's development path. "

"Then relying on the work to succeed, thus gaining the right to speak in front of Tracy, and even gaining the upper hand..." Joseph continued following Hugo's words. Although his eyes were still worried, the smile on the corner of his mouth was helpless. Bloomed.

Hugo shrugged, "Of course, the work is our bargaining chip, and we already have two chips in our hands, so it is not necessarily how much behind Lacey. The current difficulties are only temporary, and we don't need to lose confidence. "

Joseph exhaled again, venting all the stuffiness in his'chest', "That's right... If you can appear on Schindler's list, that's fine."

"Ha, there is more than this one really good script. Why have I been entangled here? My eyes are so narrow." Hugo was amused by Joseph's sighing expression, but after smiling, Hugo couldn't help but narrow his smile. I can't help but look forward to Joseph's just now: Yes, if it is really like that, it is indeed a good thing.