Chapter 322

Every country and every city has a history of its birth. From nothing, to glory, calm as water, or return to nothingness, even a modern metropolis like New York can be under Manhattan. The urban area has found traces of the city's long history. And like West. This is especially true in cities such as Ann, Berlin, and London, which are full of historical heritage. Traces of time can be found on almost every brick of the city wall.

The same is true for Krakow. This city was established about 700 years ago and is one of the oldest cities in Central Europe. It witnessed the rise and fall of Poland from the beginning of the 14th century to the beginning of the 17th century as the capital. It was one of the famous cultural centers in Europe at that time. But after the Swedish invasion in the eighteenth century and the two battles between Poland and Austria around the nineteenth century, Krakow gradually declined. After experiencing the winds and frosts of the Second World War, this The city was almost silent, and signs of life almost disappeared.

Located in the northern foothills of the Beskid Mountains in Silesia (slask) in the southern part of the'Po'land, there is a clear and bottomless gurgling spring from south to north, slowly flowing down from the mountain, passing through the mountains and hills, near Bydgoszcz () Turning back to the north, flowing through the northern European plains, and finally into the Gulf of Gdansk (gdansk) in the Baltic Sea (.sea), which is the largest river Vistula in the entire Central Europe and the Baltic Sea System River(). Krakow is quietly located on the upper banks of the Vistula River.

Krakow, which was rebuilt after the war, has restored the tranquility and elegance of a thousand years ago. The sparkling blue riverside of the Vistula River slowly passes through the center of the city, with emerald green on both sides. The grass gleams with the light of'fascinating' people under the sun, and the river is very busy dotted with'fat' huge flounder, leisurely wild ducks, and busy freighters. Just like this, I rushed all the way to the direction of the Baltic Sea, as if to slowly take away the scars and pains of this city, let time settle all wars, artillery fire, life and death in the bones of the city, and bring peace to the city. It was again draped on the scarred buildings and streets on the street.

Walking on the streets of this city, compared to a prosperous international city like New York, it is as quiet as a rural town in arkansas state (arkansas), but calm down and look at the buildings on the street. You will find that this is a city full of stories.

For example, the Jagiellonian University established in the 14th century (), people will tell you that this university is one of the most cultural universities in Central Europe, and during World War II, the entire campus teachers were brutally killed by the Nazis. , You can even see the bright red blood stains remaining in the cracks on the campus path made of bluestone slabs.

For example, if a corner of the city is not conspicuous at all, people will tell you that this is the location of the ghetto. The so-called ghetto is the place where the Nazis brought Jews into captivity for the first time after they arrived in Krakow. Thousands of Jews were forced to live in a crowded and dirty environment, anxiously waiting for their blood to bring them. The disaster of extinction.

For example, on the southern hill of the Old Town Square in the Old Town, you can see a castle. People will tell you that it is the Warwick Castle (el) where the 'Bo'lan kings lived, and the cathedral is where they were crowned and buried. The churches, monasteries, bell towers and square towers around the ancient city square all have their own stories. The Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque residences hidden by the church steeples have also witnessed the disaster of the year. Every building has There are endless stories, even if you stay here for a month, you may not be able to understand the tip of the iceberg of this city.

After fifteen hours of long-distance flight, Hugo, Steven Spielberg and others arrived in Warsaw, and then reached the car after four hours of shaking, as if taking a space-time tunnel. , Step by step into a distant history.

In fact, the end of World War II is not too far away, it has not been fifty years ago, but the vicissitudes of half a century have made Hugo seem to have seen another world, a world unrelated to his own.

Walking to the streets of the old city, Hugo couldn't help thinking. Half a century ago, the Jews were threatened with guns by the Nazi army. In the future, what is even more terrifying is that they did not realize that it was the beginning of death. Just a wall separated them from humans to beasts and from heaven to hell. If it were yourself, what kind of mood would it be?

It is difficult for Hugo to paint a clear picture. Worry, fear, anxiousness? Every step he moves forward is to bid farewell to his life and to the trap the Nazis have dug for him. His steps are so heavy that he can hardly move away. Do you have the courage to flee like the "pianist" Varadisro Spearman (an)? Or will you be overwhelmed by great fear? Or do you expect Superman to appear to save the jewish?

In fact, maybe because Superman is "made in the United States," he will not save the Jews because Americans hate Jews; or there has never been a so-called superman in this world, but people have lost their hope of life and found one for themselves. The reason for living is nothing more.

After Hugo entered the cast of "Schindler's List", he had no time to be elated, and no time to think about the follow-up impact of getting this role. In fact, except for Steven's confirmation that Hugo will At the moment when he will play the role of A'mon'-Goss, the ecstatic mood instantly destroyed all of Hugo's defenses, making him desperately clenched his fists in front of Steven. , Expressing his inner excitement in this direct and clear way. But after that, Hugo has no time to think about more questions.

For example, if I got the role of A'mon and Goss, what would Brad do, and what would Tracy and Long do; for example, is Tracy now in a mess and at a loss? ; For another example, after relying on "Schindler's List" to succeed, will I gain an advantage in future confrontations...

None of these problems can be regarded as problems, because this is someone else's business, and it hasn't happened yet. Hugo doesn't need to focus on these problems. With such free time, he would rather spend more time. 'Strength lies in the reading of the script and the study of the role'color'.

A'mon'-Goss, this evil to terrifying role'color' is Hugo's subversion of himself. The challenge is more difficult than any role'color' in Hugo's previous three movies. In Hugo It seems that even old actors such as Al Pacino and Jack Nicholson must have a right attitude and take their role seriously in order to maximize their acting skills. Therefore, Hugo has no room for relaxation, and no space for pride.

I regretfully bid farewell to Neil and Pedro, and temporarily 'handed over' the search for the drummer and keyboard player to the two Hugos. Two days later, accompanied by Joseph, they joined the crew and arrived in Krakow.

"Schindler's List" is an extremely large crew. The members that Hugo met in the past two days are at least a few hundred people, and the extras measured by the line of sight in the distance are even more crowded, with 30,000 extras in the end. What is the concept, it is difficult for Hugo to make an accurate judgment.

In such a crew, not to mention Hugo, even the actor, even Mu Nissen, is "insignificant". They are all actors who serve the crew. There is no such thing as a core or a big name. They are one of the crew. The elements, and then work together to contribute to this great masterpiece.

A'mon'-Goss played by Hugo has no role in the first third of the movie. He appeared as a responsible person in the Plasov concentration camp, so he waited until the story happened until the Plasov concentration camp. It was Hugo's turn to play. But the reason why Hugo entered the crew in such anxiousness is naturally not doing nothing.

The crew originally planned to start filming on the ruins of the Krakow ghetto, but Steven Spielberg received an urgent call from New York from the National Jewish Association, "Don't disturb the souls, let them rest in peace. After reading this short message, Steven was silent, and then immediately ordered all crew members to evacuate the Krakow concentration camp and set up the same set on the outskirts of the city. At the same time, Steven, who had just arrived in 'Bo' Lan with Hugo, left the crew alone and flew back to New York again. Steven did not use any communication equipment, but arrived in New York to express his apologies to the Jewish Association. This sincerity touched the Jewish Association and gave great support to the preparations of the crew.

After Steven returned to Krakow, the crew kicked off with a simple "boot" word, and Hugo started his own weight gain work at the same time.

The real A'mon-Goss in history is actually a small gangster. He has no knowledge. He joined the Nazi Youth League at the age of seventeen. He participated in a large number of Nazi activities in Austria and was wanted by the Austrian authorities. , Fled to Germany, and because of his strong anti-Semitic will and outstanding ability to slacken his horses, he was quickly appreciated by his superiors, and he was promoted all the way.

Such a character is obviously not the "sex" of a savior like Clark Kent. The life of the Nazis burned and looted made his life very moist. The plump body is only one aspect, and he is bloated and thin compared to the Jews. The belly is very dazzling. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

In order for Hugo to play A'mon-Goss well, it is inevitable to gain weight. Although Steven did not set specific weight gain data, Hugo's goal is to gain 30 pounds (14 kg) for himself. Above, and need to deliberately blur out the six-pack abs to develop a beer belly. This process of gaining weight seems very "painful". It is delicious and delicious, pay attention to proper and effective'fat' exercise, just to ruin your body, the task is really arduous, but it just makes the Joseph White 520 novel that stays aside to be turned over. Passed.

In addition to gaining weight, Hugo will arrive on the crew every day to watch the filming of the film. He will always read 520 novels and scripts, and then try to figure out the "essence" of the story, and participating in the filming of the crew can give him an immersive experience. The truth of history; and the streets of Krakow can also be seen in the streets and alleys of Hugo exploring, he tried to use this method to find the trauma left in the city during World War II, to check his own through the library and The historical events found in the documentary are used to verify the stories I heard when passing on through the population.

Obviously, Hugo has gained a lot. Just breathing the air of Krakow, Hugo can touch the pulse of the city and feel the distant memory.

In fact, for Hugo, the most painful and rewarding process is to sit and chat with the survivors of the concentration camp.