Chapter 324

Hugo doesn't mind Ludger's opinion, because he knows that his appearance and smiling habits are not helpful for playing the role of Amon-Goss. He knows this very clearly.

But after experiencing the preparations of "Death End" and "Sleepless in Seattle" two completely different roles, Hugo understands that actors must continue to challenge their limits, except for the twenty-five-year-old Yu In addition to challenging the incredible role of the hero of "Home Alone", only through constant challenges and attempts can actors find their own performance paths and at the same time continue to broaden their performance fields.

If an actor's first reaction after receiving the role of 'color' is "I can't do it," then he will never be able to make a breakthrough.

In fact, among the actors who play the role of "color" with the reversal effect, the one that Hugo admires most is Kevin and Shi Paisi (.). Leaving aside the role played by Kevin and Shi Paixi, in terms of appearance, Kevin is a typical American middle-class man, with stretched eyebrows, smooth forehead, and gentle smile. The uncle who is not sharp enough to'Lu', after'Lu' smiles, there is a kind of intoxicating mature charm.

But it is such an uncle who is a gentle "fan" who is known as two bad guys in film history. The first one is the only unremarkable and unremarkable "very suspect (the.usua1. The villain is'Se' Jinte, and the other is the calm policeman in the "seven deadly sins (se7en. Observe the unknown killer who "played" between the palms. The former won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for Kevin, and the latter allowed Kevin to occupy a place on the list of evil roles in movie history.

In fact, Kevin, who was born on Broadway, has been honing himself on the large and small stages of New York, and then he has polished himself on the small TV screen for many years. These rich performance experience gave Kevin a kind of intimidating courage in the performance process. What impressed Hugo the most was in the "Seven Deadly Sins". The unknown killer he played took the initiative to surrender to the police station. He was unhurried, elegant and calm. He was completely different from the demonized serial murderer in people's impression. He was like a knowledgeable serial murderer. The scholars, then the police. The observers took them step by step into the traps they had set. This kind of courage, perfectly combined with Kevin's own mature, gentle, and 'fascinating' temperament, has formed an irreplaceable evil aura.

Similar to the "color" and the "Silent Lamb", Dr. Hannibal, played by Anthony Hopkins, this elegant and professional psychologist, looks like a kind old man, strong The bookishness makes him look like a wise elder, but he can "say" a prisoner to death between talking and laughing. The blood that didn't dry at the corner of Anthony's mouth was filled with a terrifying light in the gentleman's polite smile.

For Hugo, Kevin-Pacey and Anthony Hopkins are his role models. He must break the fixed pattern brought by his appearance and use his inner temperament to create a reversal effect, thereby turning that kind of The shuddering,'hairy' evil aura was deeply revealed in the bone marrow.

Hugo did it once when he auditioned for Steven Spielberg. What he needs now is to turn that experience into habituality and continue throughout the filming process.

Hugo knows that he came from a non-major class and has many shortcomings. Although he has followed Uma and Alex in the past year to take some basic acting classes and has gone through countless exercises, acting is not mathematics or physics. The answer can be obtained after the correct formula. Performance requires patterns and breaks patterns. It requires experience and forgetting experience. Only countless attempts and learning can make progress.

Regarding the role and **** of A'men, in addition to the plan to increase fat, Hugo spent most of his time on the experience of studying the role of sex. Why would A'men be The Jews are so disgusted, why does A'mon's personality be "yin' and uncertain, why A'mon' is cynical but affectionate... Because of A'mon's special status, no one is A'mon' To write a biography, he is not worthy of others to write a biography for him, but in order to play this role, Hugo must outline the story of A'Meng.

Through chatting with Ludger, Regina and others, Hugo added the flesh and blood of the role of A'mon bit by bit. Of course, Ralph had a fan in Hugo's mind. A'Meng' played by Ens is also one of the samples. Hugo tried to outline the role and color of A'Meng through some scattered details in Regina and other populations. It may be just a habit. Coughing will occur when you catch a cold. Cover your mouth with your hand; it may be just a look that treats Jews as air or objects; it may be just a gesture, a neat salute gesture... It's this kind of seemingly unimportant detail, but Hugo can think of it. Numerous chemical reactions occur.

Diligence can make up for one's weaknesses, which is very important for Hugo.

"So, what do you think the devil should be like? Blue-faced fangs, big mouth, blood dripping?" Hugo slowly digested the story of Ludger and Regina, and then asked with a smile.

Ludger was stunned by what Hugo said. In fact, although the real A'mon-Goss is not a super handsome guy, he is also a rather handsome man. It is estimated that Steven will choose Hugo. But Ludger believes that Hugo is arguing, because the evil of A'mon-Goss radiates from his bones, while the sunshine and tenderness between Hugo's eyebrows are far apart. Qianli, "Anyway, it's not like you!"

"Luther!" Regina stopped his old friend next to him. Ludger's attitude was very rude, and he deliberately aimed at Hugo, which was not appropriate.

But Ludger murmured angrily, "A'mon can't laugh. Even if he can laugh, it makes people tremble with fear, not like this stupid boy." Ludger doesn't like rain. On the contrary, a polite and gentle person like Hugo makes people feel very comfortable. At first glance, they look like a good person, and they are very popular; but if Hugo is allowed to play A'mon-Goss, it will be too much. People are awkward, especially when Ludger has personally experienced the'gloomy' period of A'mon's rule, and he feels more and more unreliable.

"Then...what do you think is more appropriate?" Hugo's gentle voice came over, as if it were the warm winter sun, but Ludger always felt a little strange because of the rhythm of Hugo's speech. It seems to be slower and more careful, as if worried about disturbing others, but this change is not obvious, so Ludger is not sure whether he feels right, but inexplicably, his heart is a little irritable, Ludger feels I must be bored because of Hugo's repeated questions! "You know, this is my job."

"Anyway..." Ludger's inner irritability could hardly be suppressed. As he spoke, he raised his head and frowned and looked at Hugo, but just such a glance made Ludger's rest of the words stuck. In the throat, as if at an intersection suddenly encountered a red light, a row of cars suddenly braked, and the entire intersection became bloated in an instant.

I saw Hugo still sitting in front of him, his posture and movements did not change, but the smile on the corner of his mouth converged, and he hung on the corner of his mouth shallowly, as if he was consulting the simplest question. This smile is to maintain etiquette. But those amber eyes suddenly fell into the abyss. The clear sunlight disappeared in an instant, leaving only an unfathomable dizziness. The clear brown "color" contained let People shudder and icy, like a wild beast with an open mouth, waiting motionlessly for the prey to take the initiative to send the'door'.

Obviously it is the same face, it is obviously the same dress, without any change, but the expression in his eyes keeps becoming deeper and deeper in his gaze, and the cold eyes make the expression on his face freeze and freeze in this way. In a daze, Ludger saw in those eyes the figure he had seen countless times in nightmares. He only felt that everything around him was frozen, and the temperature began to continue as the smile of the man in front of him gradually disappeared. Descending down, it was as if he was surrounded by a piece of ice and snow.

Even Ludger didn't notice it. He began to tremble all over his body. Even his teeth were fighting faintly. He was trying his best to suppress his urge to turn and run away, because he knew that if he had any action, A'mon' Will shoot and end his life without hesitation. Ludger could not move nor dared to move, he just looked at the man in front of him, with cold and evil eyes, handsome and stern His uniform and dashing uniform, but that kind of hiding The demon under the beautiful skin quietly raised the death sickle behind him. No one knew when the sickle would fall and then reap his own life.

Ludger only felt that he was scared. He was really scared. He couldn't move, speak, or even make an expression. He could only stare at the man in front of him dullly, trembling all over his body, making him almost think he was He was going to be incontinent, he hadn't felt this kind of fear for many years, just a look in his eyes brought him back to the dark years that couldn't bear to look back.

Not only Ludger, but Regina sitting next to him was horrified. He took a breath and looked at the man in front of him. There was no way to speak even one vowel. Everyone around was there. The man slowly closed his mouth under his gaze, then lowered his head timidly. The joyous and lively atmosphere just now seemed to be frozen in an instant.

Regina tried to take a deep breath, but failed the first time. He had to adjust his breathing again and breathe again, "please... please stop... stop." Regina finally said this sentence. Then he saw Hugo looking towards him, and the frightening light made his old and feeble heart shrink together in an instant.
