Chapter 331

Hugo walked along the muddy path to the door of A'mon's villa in the movie. At this time, the big door was opened. Steven's wife Kate Capshaw came out and she saw standing Hugo at the door, Lu showed an apologetic smile, "I'm really sorry, I asked Robin to call you, I know you have been...not very well recently." Kate said. Some stammers, it seems that I don't know how to express my feelings.

Hugo 'Lu' smiled, "Mrs. Spielberg, it's okay. It might be helpful for me to be able to communicate with the director."

The reason why Robin-Williams called Hugo just now was because he hoped that Hugo could talk to Steven. In Robin's words, "he almost collapsed." The scenes filmed in the past two days are indeed very heavy. Yesterday, when we filmed a scene of'female' prisoners taking a shower, those'female' actors collapsed directly at the scene, because many of them were born in concentration camps. , And they all understand what the so-called "shower" actually means.

And tomorrow, I will film a scene where the Nazis shave off all the'women and women''s hair, strip off their clothes and'trousers', and drive them around like cattle. This meticulous and true restoration of history, It is a test for the entire crew. Steven will be on the verge of collapse this afternoon because of the old man Guo Ben's role, which is probably the result of accumulated stress. Imagine Hugo's dangerous state just now-including the current bad state, and it is not difficult to understand Steven's situation.

Robin believes that Hugo's current situation is very similar to Steven's. Both of them are playing the "wicked man". Guo was going to go against his own nature and bring the demon Amon-Goss back to the world. Therefore, the contradictions and struggles between the two people are very similar.

Robin felt that if Hugo could chat with Steven, the two might be able to help each other. In Robin's words, "You have always been a sunny and active young man, haven't you?" Although Robin didn't say it directly, he always remembered that Hugo had a warm and positive energy in him.

Hugo didn't know whether Robin suggested Kate or Kate suggested Robin, but after Hugo listened to his opinions, Robin was also persuaded. Maybe he and Steven would have unexpected results if he talked with Steven, right. He also helped. Of course, if there is no effect, it will not hurt.

At this moment, the children cautiously probed out of the gap in the 'door', and the shortest little guy asked in a low voice, "Mom, can I go out to play?"

"Of course, Max, can you take them out to play?" Kate also whispered, and then Hugo saw the oldest boy running out with a little girl and two little boys. Steven currently has five children in total, all of whom have come to the crew, but the youngest one can't walk yet.

Hugo watched the children sprinting away, the'girl' child stayed at the end and led the little boy who was walking unsteadily, muttering to the two people in front, "Wait, wait!" Then Hugo turned his head to Kate and said, "They should play at home, you know, the laughter of children always makes people feel happy."

The home became dull because of Steven's low air pressure, so the children seemed cautious, but on the contrary, the children's laughter could break this depression. But Hugo knows that Kate is a very glamorous mother. She obviously knows how to educate her children, so he added, "It's just a suggestion."

Kate smiled softly, "It's not today, today his condition is a bit serious." Her explanation made Hugo nodded clearly, "I think it should be because of the scene tomorrow, which made him very irritable. , Also very frustrated."

When there is nothing to do, Kate and Robin would think of letting Hugo come over and talk to Steven, otherwise they would not come up with such an idea. Originally, they wanted to get rid of letting the deputy director or Liam Yiliansen come over and talk to Steven, but obviously, Hugo is a better choice than them. Although Hugo and Steven are in The previous'friendship' talks were pitiful.

Hugo didn't know if he could really help, so he could only spread out his hands and said, "I will try my best."

Kate laughed gratefully, then stepped away from the aisle, motioning for Hugo to enter, and at the same time said, "He is in the living room." After watching Hugo walk into the aisle, Kate also left the house and moved The big'door' was also closed, and he stood in front of the'door', looking at the villa in front of him anxiously, but in the end he stepped forward and walked in the direction of the crew. Kate needs to consult with other producers to see if he can temporarily slow down the pace of shooting.

Hugo stood in this familiar villa. This is the place where he stayed most often in recent days. This place can always awaken the memory of A'Meng in Hugo's mind. This makes Hugo feel a little uncomfortable and feel a little bit uncomfortable. It sank slightly. Hugo had to adjust his breathing again, then temporarily put aside all the random thoughts in his mind, and walked towards the living room.

The living room is orderly, and there is no visible change, which shows that at least Steven did not start smashing things violently. "It's a positive sign..." Hugo tugged at the corner of his mouth with a mockery.

Steven sits on a wicker chair against the wall in the hall, half of his face is hidden in the shadow hidden by the wall, making it difficult to see. When he noticed the appearance of Hugo, his whole body was immediately tense. When he got up, he could even be seen leaning forward slightly, making an attacking appearance.

Hugo hurriedly raised his hand to stop, and did not forget to take a short step back, "Relax, relax!" Hugo raised his voice, trying to relax and lively, and quickly explained, "I changed my clothes. Did you see it? This is my own casual wear, look, it's not... a uniform."

After hanging up Robin's call, Hugo's first thing was of course not to come over to find Steven, but to go back and change his casual clothes, wearing a Nazi uniform. It is estimated that he would be lucky not to cause a fight, let alone anything. Talked about'Handover'. Of course, after changing his casual clothes, Hugo's tension in his heart has also been somewhat relieved, at least not the kind of horror that the back is strained.

Looking at Hugo's simple 'fur' clothes with denim 'trousers', he didn't look like an officer at all, but it reminded Steven of the impression of sunshine when he first saw Hugo.

"Furthermore, are you sure that your attack on me is a wise choice?" Hugo said with a smile, and then walked forward slowly, but instead of sitting down on the sofa, he walked to the window. Pulling the curtains to the floor, the not strong sunlight poured down, making the whole room suddenly bright up, "You know, I'm not yet thirty years old this year." Hugo also showed the opportunity. Biceps whose lines are not obvious anymore.

Hugo's slightly ridiculous words made Steven twitching the corners of his mouth helplessly, "I bet you dare not throw a fist at me."

This made Hugo slightly raised his eyebrows and looked back at Steven, "Are you saying that you are a director and producer?" Steven did not speak, but looked away calmly. For Hugo, this is considered a tacit approval. Hugo raised his hands, "I have no plans to change jobs for the time being."

Steven chuckled at Hugo's playful tone. Although the corners of his mouth did not rise, his stiff back did relax and he leaned back on the back of the chair.

"So, is my performance okay? Did I still calculate "color" in this role "color" performance?" Hugo hesitated for a moment, as if he didn't know what topic to talk about, and said nervously and expectantly I asked, "You know, after all, my appearance didn't seem to suit this role at first, which puts me under a lot of pressure. Especially when the filming of certain scenes is halfway through, the director just turns his head. When I left, it really made me feel a little lack of confidence."

Steven originally wanted to open his mouth and replied, "You performed well", but when he heard the words behind Hugo, Steven suddenly became a little bit dumbfounded. It sounded like Hugo was sarcastic. And the following sentence from Hugo verifies Steven's idea.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot, you didn't finish the scene just now, so it seems a bit reluctant to ask your opinion." Hugo seemed to be talking to himself, and snapped his fingers to indicate that he was finally After understanding, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Steven was really overwhelmed by Hugo's straightforward sarcasm. He was in a bad mood at this time, so he naturally chose a negative way of responding, "Hugo, you know who you are talking to~www right? You know I can replace you at any time and look for an actor to play this role."

Who is Steven? At present, he is the most powerful member of the entire Hollywood, and he and Hugo don't talk about friends anymore, and they don't even have a lot of'friends.' When Hugo and Steven met for the first time, Hugo appeared cautious. But today, Hugo actually challenged his authority so directly and ridiculed himself. Steven is not a mild-tempered old man, so he released his anger without a doubt.

Hugo didn't seem to be scared by Steven, but suddenly nodded, "I've forgotten that you are the director and producer of the movie. You know, because you are often not next to the crew, it's easy to let People forget this fact." Hugo can clearly see that Steven's facial expression has become more and more angry, but Hugo knows that he cannot back down at this time, otherwise he will fall short, "especially when those who have experienced the massacre Survivors, when standing on the set and experiencing the unforgettable pain again, the director is not there. It is indeed easy to be forgotten. You know, some people can choose to turn around and leave, but some people can't."

In fact, Hugo expressed this idea from the standpoint of an actor. He didn't know how to have a conversation with Steven, because they were not familiar with it at all, so what Hugo can do is tell the truth. The 'excitation' method, although old-fashioned, is often very effective.